Sunday, May 16, 2010

selamat hari guru!!!

hehe..aku plak yang lebey2 kat sini..
memang laa..kalo bukan sebab cikgu2 aku, xdenye aku kat melbourne ni...
first of all..
here..i would like to wish happy teacher's day to all my luvly teachers...
who taught me since I was in kindergarten..huhu..
because of u..i can read A B C until Z..
bcoz of u.. I know how to calculate numbers..therefore, know how to calculate my eating budjet..
bcoz of u.. I know how to appreciate life..
bcoz of u.. I know how to play rugby, volleyball,hockey,futsal,badminton n more..
bcoz of u.. I know how to speak english, japanese and french right now...
bcoz of u.. I know how to be a good leader..
bcoz of u.. I was able to travel around Malaysia..(banyak kursus,games and melancong sambil belajar ar kan..hehe)..
bcoz of u......hehe..da ar..banyak sgt ar listnye...

yang penting msg ku ini sampai...

wahai guru..
jasamu akan ku kenang sampai bile2...
even ade orang cakap, the real teacher is experience..
and the real classroom is this world..
aku kesah ape...
masalahnye kot xde orang nak ajar ABC sampai Z,membace n mengira...
camne nak rase pengalaman tu dengan lebey bersedia kan??
so teacher is the real teacher...
sebab dapat ijazah keguruan lagi..huhu...
da..ngarot la plak aku...
oh cikgu...
terima kasih atas segalanya...
tunjuk ajarmu akan ku cuba praktiskan sebaek mungkin...
segala nasehat mu akan ku cuba amalkan..
segala jasa baekmu itu akan ku ingat sampai matiku...
motivasi mu akan ku sampaikan pada sapa2 yang blur seperti aku waktu dulu..
selamat hari guru..

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