Thursday, December 12, 2013

to conquer is to possess..appreciate is the best way of doing so..

recently terbace post from a friend..
'love is not a possession, love is about appreciation'..
cenggini lah..
cehhh...asyik nak cte pasal love je kan..
jiwang karat betol bak kate dell..haha..

bile pikir balik betul la quote tu..
but mostly people focus more on the possession..
yang mane ak pon xsuke..
hehe..lembut hati sangat ak ni..gaye je rock..lols..

to be honest..ak xsuke sangat 'over' to everything..
especially to your women..
over-protection is no good..
over-gentleman pon is no good..
over-belanje ponnn is no good..
senang cakap over2 ni xelok laa..
lebey2 lagi bile buat depan public..
coz u make the public awkward...
lg2 ak ni..hahahaha..

ade situasi begini yang mane kawan ak datang dari negeri atas angin melawat..
nampak geng lagi sorang ni dating bagai..pastu die cakap ngn aku..
'apsal nampak cam terdesak?'
me dont know to answer.. guess that is a lil bit madness of possession la kot..haha..
betul la tu..bile nampak awek..kawan sume hilang bolayan..
ni yang ak takot..hope me not like this on that coming days..
coz i do love and appreciate my friends..

bile pikir's easy to appreciate someone..
but kadang2 terpikir jugak does that someone too appreciate me??
que sera sera.. (whatever it is.. it is)
to conquer is to possess.. and not my way of doing so..
no wonder I do love a lot my grandma and my big family..
coz we live to appreciate each other..

still..appreciate someone is the best way of doing so..
u wont get that hurt if something happens..
plus u will not have any hatred or revenge too..

to conquer is to possess..
to possess is greedy..
appreciate it..
better way of doing so..

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

mencari sesuatu yang hilang..

lately banyak berfikir..
ye laa..lagi2 banyak free time ni..
xbuat ape sangat..banyak mengelamun..

terasa macam something missing in my life..
ape ek??
cinta lah kot..
my feeling love towards Him..
Allah the most grateful and merciful..

hidup mewah duit xberkat pon xgune..
itu pasal dapat duit pastu cepat je hilang..
umpama macam makan sedap tapi xberzat laa..sebab xbace basmallah..

bile xdpt keje..start la mulut ni mengata..
itu la ini la..blame tu la ni la..
yang betulnye diri ni xpernah rase nak mintak betul2 rezeki tu dari Allah..

rezeki itu ade..tahun ni dapat keje cherry packing..baru 3 hari start..
tapi season xcantek..asyik hujan buah cherry xbanyak..
same macam banjir kat kemaman bile keje xlame ni..start la masing2 merungut..
duet xbanyak macam dulu..
homaigodd..ak pon salah seorang..
tibe2 baru tersedar..xbleh blame bende2 gini..ade la maksudnye kenapa bencana alam sebegini terjadi..
maybe bile banyak sangat rezeki masing2 xreti bersyukur ke..dok perabis duet je ke..
so..kene bersyukur laaa...

still ak sedang mencari cinta Ilahi..
ianya hilang seketika..teringat kisah 12 tahun lepas yang mane ak ngn arwah abah same2 dok kem rumah tok guru agama 2 minggu untuk mendekatkan diri pada Nya..
pagi petang siang malam asyik mengagungkan kebesaran Ilahi dengan berzikir kalimah2 suci..
membaca al- Quran..mendirikan solat tahajud sepertiga malam..amalan2 sunat dan seumpamanya..
rindu..rindu sangat...sesungguhnya cinta pada Mu itu sangat manis..

kini diriku terkedu..jauh sangatkah ak ter cross jalan..
moga dapat u turn balik ke arah yang lebeyh baek..
semoga dapat jumpa sesuatu yang hilang itu.. 

me in between..

there are two couples...
me in between..

yang satu ni..orang cakap..
kalau sayang tinggal tinggalkan..

yang lagi satu pulak..
kalau sayang di kepit kepitkan..

but me in between..
errrkkk..dongak tepi pandang langit je laa...
awkward moment laaa..

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

don't ask me

almost done...
will be graduating and leaving Melbourne for good...
I do love Melbourne..a lot..
many friends..nice environment..beautiful places..
love em' all..
but have to go back..

malaysians who comes here will ask me..
"will you stay here??"
please don't ask me..
I'm sad to leave..
if there's opportunity given..I will..
but on the other side..
I have to go back..
my big family is waiting for me..

probably..i hope..
I will be back here again..
with my family..
then you can ask me why..

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