Friday, March 26, 2010


hai..long time no c..n long time no story...
i am not gonna say that i was busy for a couple of weeks ago..
it's just the fact that i didn't find a good time to write a new post...
wanna share something with all of u guys...
firstly, do u all watch the simpsons??
me not k... n i don't know all the characters.. u know who is ned flanders??
is he good or what??
haha..actually, last week, i had an assignment..
it was a myers-briggs test..also can be categorized as personality test..
from the test, people might know who you are...
here's my result..
i got ESFJ...
E=extraverted (1%) , S=sensing (12%) , F=feeling (25%) , J= judging (44%)..
these are the description of all the 4 letters..
E = prefer to direct your energy to deal with people,things, and present situation.
*active,outward, people,expressive, interaction, speak to think..

S = prefer to deal with facts, proven procedured , and what you know. you are
a realist who exists in the "here and now".
* details,present,practical, sequential,quantifiable,and actual.

F = prefer to decide using values and beliefs, using a subjective, people oriented
*heart ,subjective, harmony,relationships, empathy, appreciate.

J = tend to have your life to be planned in stable and organized way.
*organized, structured, control, scheduled,sets goals,conscientious.

and the other descriptions for ESFJ are :
- characterization : the supporter (Ned Flanders,The Simpsons) What the what???
- are social butterflies that value RELATIONSHIPS, supporting and nurturing others.
- Never one to shy away from social events, THEY ARE OFTEN THE HOST????
- great encourages of teamwork.
- responsible,dutiful,observe traditions and follow rules.
- have a DEEP CONCERN for others and OFTEN END UP AS CARETAKERS????
- understanding, generous, have a quick cut and a knack for composition and

i'm not sure whether this is true or not...
but..honestly, most of the descriptions are true...
that's me!!! haha...


Unknown said...

itu dia lelaki plg poyo kita.. haha~

botakun jr said...

ape maksod ko?? ko xpuas ati ke?? ni nak share je..ko memang arr..

Anonymous said...

wei, aku baru buat test ko ni~
aku intp bai~


botakun jr said...

haha..biar betol ko intraverted??? haha..

Anonymous said...

btul bai~aku buat test online~
nak buat cmne??
ko tau intp ni rare gile~5% je
yg org2 famous intp is albert einstein~

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