Monday, June 8, 2009

---the best man wins---

it's a very good quotation.
i only knew this quotation when my 4th headboy, nurhelmi lukman@mentol said this during the formal assembly in the hall.
i believe that this quotation also helped him in motivated himself in his studies and he succeed.
the sentence was simple..
only contains 4 words...
which describes only the best, the greatest, the most excellent can win...
i believe that if we have our own principle or philosophy, we should follow and rule it out..
and this quotation actually is good for everyone..
especially to those who is still trying to find his or her rhythm or tune..
once you get your real rhythm u'll be yourself and beat the others...

sometimes i forgot that i also have a couple of principles in my life..
and i have abandoned all of it for a while..
i think that's why i am in trouble right now..
i really want to catch my flight...
and my way of life...
once i miss it, i will be very sad for the whole of my life..
so..what should i do now is put faith in myself again and try to find my own and my real confident..
the first step that i should do is having a principle or philosophy that can motivate me...
because i believe that everyone in this world also has a very fundamental principle that we should believe in..
so, if we want something that is impossible..
we should motivate ourselves and get back our strength...
try try and try to improve ourselves...
" the best man wins"
not men win.......
only certain groups of people....
let's us catch the train and flight together and enjoy our life after that....


Unknown said...

yep..kite mesti kompetitif..dan berusaha dengan segala daya upaya...
bota, ko sbnrnye dh jd sumber inspirasi bg banyk org..arap ko trus tabah dan kerja kuat..

sbb usaha ko tu, akan memberi kesan positif kt org lain..
gud luck..ak sentiasa sokong ko..

botakun jr said...

thanx acap..mmg best ar dapat geng ngn ko..haha..thnx for supporting me my best friend...haha...

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