Monday, November 29, 2010

gimme a break...

it's supposed to be hot n sunny here
but until now on
summer is imperfect
not the same like what I thought before
raining all day
the atmosphere always cloudy
even the temperature drops till 13 degrees
it's supposed to be winter rite?
n my body shivers during the nite
need a really warm blanket

these days
am a little bit busy
have to work for 3 days only in a week
loading and unloading things
take care of the stoking stall
try to learn how to attract customers
give them a smile
sometimes it's kinda boring
n am counting down my days there
9 days to go!!! hohoho..
then I'll free

new prob
need a new accommodation
n like to find the low rent one
near to transport
n it should be okay if it's a little bit far away from the uni
hope to find it asap
coz it won't worry me that much
target to settle in before go back to Malaysia
n now it's already 29th November

my results came out today
I passed the first year hurdle
even not flying colour
it's still okay
coz I don't wanna regret my life in the future


we train everyday doesn't mean we are gonna be perfect
we just wanna improve ourselves and aim for the perfection


.::annemishi::. said...

hang balik malaysia ke tak?

botakun jr said...

haha..mesti la balik anne oii..xkan da dok rindu kat wan, adik2 n famili besar ni..balik awal jan nnt..awatnye?? hang nak sambut kat lcct eh?? yezza...tq3!! haha..

.::annemishi::. said...

hahahaahah.kot aar nak testing jadi lelaki tabah tamau balik kan. nih baru family man. baguih2..

takdanya nak terpa p lcct sambut hang. kalau kepala batas pya airport takpa gak. haha.

sakuradila said...

wahh dah lepas 1st year ehh
tp bez gle ko,dlm setahun,sekejap je study...cuti pon mak aih lamenye!

cuti2 pon kutip ilmu akhirat byk2 ;p

botakun jr said...

anne> huissshh..bleh je xbalik..tapi bile pikir balik, banyak lagi bende nak kene settle kat msia tu..hehe..

dila> arigatou ne!!! tapi ko lagi laa..da third year kot..jeles2..
insyaAllah kita sama2 la memperbanyakkan ilmu akhirat yer..hehe..

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