Sunday, August 1, 2010

meet again...

it had been years...
we didn't meet...
might be one of us left...
couldn't track u either...
lost all the contacts...
didn't know what to do...
just prayed...
always wished to meet again...

we can't expect much...
only He knows best...

after years...
you disappeared...
now, you come back in my life...
it's so sudden...
and it's hard to believe...
through facebook...
you found me...
even though I used my fake name...
you traced me...
it's so lovely...
it mesmerized me...

let us open the new chapter of our life...
hope this relationship will last long...
thanks for remembering us...
almost 8 years...
thanks to Allah...
He already planned this meeting...

*p/s: my siblings and I met our 'family' after eight years we lost contact.

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