Thursday, December 4, 2008

kalau la akuuuuuu...

why people always using IF ...
"i think, if i studied very hard before,i could pass my SPM with flying colour"
"if i played well,i could win the competition"
if i chose that scholarship, i might be in London rite now"
but..people unconscious that..
why they always using IF after the matter being done..
why done they use IF before something that they expect to be happened??
because of this mentality, we are going nowhere...
and feel very regretful....
try to imagine...
" if i work hard,i'll pass my SPM,then go to oversea to further my study,i'll be a doctor then"
"if i play well in that competition,i'll win"
" if i do reading and listening a lot, i'll pass my ielts"
in this post..
i am gonna say that...
use IF before..
not after...
u can think on your own...
don't regret if u won't read..haha...


[sakuradila] said...

normal things from mouth,right?
perkataan tu alwayz aku sebut...
demo ne...
tu kdg2 jd pengajaran,kan?
tp mmg xelok pon sebut...
same2 jgn sebut IF!!
tp ak nk sebut gak...
kalo la dapat balik ke masa time kat UNITEN dlu...tanoshi ne~

Un Phat Lee said...
im not agree with that...
ade jugak bende yg kte kne letak if
kt blakng:
4 instance: taqIF, atIF, afIF

Ha...abs yg tu cm ne lak?

botakun jr said...

yup..btol2..kalo dapat balik uniten la kan..malangnyee...huhu..da berlalu...tapi aku xsetuju ngn un...ape plak camtu oii...

fareez fadzil... said...


Un Phat Lee said...

btlah tu...ak just bg example je...
lagi satu...
mcm ne lak ngn ayt ni:
"if and only if"(maths)
xkan nk letak if kt hujung tu kt depan gk.
nnt jd cm ni
"if if and only"

botakun jr said...

woiii...melawak plak ko ni kan..cet....

hakiem bahaman said...

salam fik
penggunaan kalau/if selepas satu perkara yg dah berlaku merupakan satu dr trick syaitan.bleh refer details dlm iman dan kehidupan written by al-qaradhawi.

suraya iliana said...

hey, nice speech. you gave a good impression on the real deal...XD

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