Monday, January 19, 2009

remember the past

in 2005...i got new dorm and new frenz...
it was C9...the member of that dorm were...
faris,un,albert,skar, fasri, aniq, atif, adib and me..if i am not mistaken..hehe...
it was quite fun in that year...
we were mixed together between the seniors and juniors...
i just wanna highlight about my chief or my P.A. system's boss..Skar...
he was a very hardworking person..sometimes quite funny...
all of our crews enjoyed working with him...
it was interesting to learn about sound system and a little bit about P.A...
we played the electrics and electronics..haha..
when we worked, we worked..
when we enjoyed, we played well...haha...
my boss always said sumting that seems funny but it's deep actually..haha...
such as...
sumtime we always wanted to perform solat quite late...
but he said...."try imagine,if you want to perform it late...then, u go sumwhere, there is sumthing happen and u die...u waste one pahala that perhaps can help you in hereafter life..who knows?? so..better you go now.."
until now,i still remember all the words..haha..thnx skar....

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