Friday, January 23, 2009

horrible moment.....

in the end of year 004...
i was selected to be one of the member of B#$% C@#$% organisation...
if we join this,its mean we'll be hated by the students and..
our time to study also will limit coz a lot of works to do...
not the homeworks...
actually, i never ever wished to join this organization...
in my's just burden myself coz a lot of responsible should i hold..
i still remember one moment when i escaped from the general meeting(in 005)...
i gave a reason that i want to settle all the rugby jerseys..
i think, at that time..there was three of us..kulai,pian and me..if i'm not mistaken...
escaping a meeting is the worst thing if you join any organization without a valid reason..
how come u can leave the meeting just to settle the's the stupid thing that i'd done..
my fren came..munir..he said that the GPK1 wanted to see me..
at that thinking was..
if i go, i'll die..coz i'll be tortured mentally and will feel ashame in front all my fren...
if i not go..perhaps, it will be good...
so i just stayed at the dobi room..
whatever they wanted to say,let it be.. i dont care...
i loved my rugby world..dont interfere my business...
after the meeting, i waited all my BC's frenz ....
when they backed, they said that our BC's teacher and the GPK1 were so mad with me...
i turned my life into trouble...i just kept quite...
nobody of them tried to cheer me up...everybody just doing their work..
as they didn't see me....
i was so lonely...i lived in my own world.. i felt so ashamed,humiliated,annoyed and more...
i tried to do my routine daily happily...
but,there's no such thing...and when the report sent to my rugby's coach,
he also scolded me up...y i did a stupid thing???
i felt sad..i started to hate this BC again as my heart was just trying to cultivate sense of love to this organisation....i'd been through all this for the period of 2 months before i came back..
before i got the confidence....
two months??
it was too was too long...
to foster the relationship again...
to focus on my work again...
to be myself again...
i took 2 months.....
to love this BC again.....
it's still remain in my heart....
~proud to be~

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