Saturday, January 24, 2009

why it's terrible to be a rich person???

so many answers we can think....hehehe...
1. many people will come and beg you for helping them..
2. this will develop doubt feeling on your own...
3. you keep asking why these kind of people exist in this world.
4. you proud of donating money to more charities...
5. you donate it in front of the media...
6. seems like you want more publicity...
7. so you'll be more popular..
8. everybody will try to make you down...
9. they do a lot of things against you...
10. you also started to be arrogant..
11. dont wanna wear a t-shirt anymore..
12. your t-shirt's price at least about RM 70...
13. more important is it's least polo or padini...
14. you also want to show off....
15. buy a sport car..such as ferrari or porche
16. then speed fast on the,
17. everybody will look at your car and give you a way...
18. you also dont want to eat at kedai mamak or kedai tepi2 jalan ni..
19. there are no standard for's disgusting right???
20. you'll forget the worst thing that u've done.....

you'll forget to grateful to Him...
that give you a lot of wealth and happiness....
just back to Allah...
n do the right things....thnx..

Friday, January 23, 2009

horrible moment.....

in the end of year 004...
i was selected to be one of the member of B#$% C@#$% organisation...
if we join this,its mean we'll be hated by the students and..
our time to study also will limit coz a lot of works to do...
not the homeworks...
actually, i never ever wished to join this organization...
in my's just burden myself coz a lot of responsible should i hold..
i still remember one moment when i escaped from the general meeting(in 005)...
i gave a reason that i want to settle all the rugby jerseys..
i think, at that time..there was three of us..kulai,pian and me..if i'm not mistaken...
escaping a meeting is the worst thing if you join any organization without a valid reason..
how come u can leave the meeting just to settle the's the stupid thing that i'd done..
my fren came..munir..he said that the GPK1 wanted to see me..
at that thinking was..
if i go, i'll die..coz i'll be tortured mentally and will feel ashame in front all my fren...
if i not go..perhaps, it will be good...
so i just stayed at the dobi room..
whatever they wanted to say,let it be.. i dont care...
i loved my rugby world..dont interfere my business...
after the meeting, i waited all my BC's frenz ....
when they backed, they said that our BC's teacher and the GPK1 were so mad with me...
i turned my life into trouble...i just kept quite...
nobody of them tried to cheer me up...everybody just doing their work..
as they didn't see me....
i was so lonely...i lived in my own world.. i felt so ashamed,humiliated,annoyed and more...
i tried to do my routine daily happily...
but,there's no such thing...and when the report sent to my rugby's coach,
he also scolded me up...y i did a stupid thing???
i felt sad..i started to hate this BC again as my heart was just trying to cultivate sense of love to this organisation....i'd been through all this for the period of 2 months before i came back..
before i got the confidence....
two months??
it was too was too long...
to foster the relationship again...
to focus on my work again...
to be myself again...
i took 2 months.....
to love this BC again.....
it's still remain in my heart....
~proud to be~

Monday, January 19, 2009

remember the past

in 2005...i got new dorm and new frenz...
it was C9...the member of that dorm were...
faris,un,albert,skar, fasri, aniq, atif, adib and me..if i am not mistaken..hehe...
it was quite fun in that year...
we were mixed together between the seniors and juniors...
i just wanna highlight about my chief or my P.A. system's boss..Skar...
he was a very hardworking person..sometimes quite funny...
all of our crews enjoyed working with him...
it was interesting to learn about sound system and a little bit about P.A...
we played the electrics and electronics..haha..
when we worked, we worked..
when we enjoyed, we played well...haha...
my boss always said sumting that seems funny but it's deep actually..haha...
such as...
sumtime we always wanted to perform solat quite late...
but he said...."try imagine,if you want to perform it late...then, u go sumwhere, there is sumthing happen and u die...u waste one pahala that perhaps can help you in hereafter life..who knows?? so..better you go now.."
until now,i still remember all the words..haha..thnx skar....

Sunday, January 18, 2009

my precious frenzzzz.....

i believe that everybody does have a best fren..
same goes to me...
however...i got 4 and more than that...
it is kinda good to have frens that care about...
so am i....
i am exactly with what i have now...
i still remember...
a year ago...
i have had a very kinda damn good best fren for my life...
at that terrible moment...i suffered a knee injury
bcoz of too happy played volleyball..
so, i fell down with a wrong landing's technic..
i thought my knee already broken...
but the doctor said nothing...
actually after 2 weeks, the doctor just noticed that my muscles already 'koyak' and some part in my knee already damaged...
so it's permenant...the tabib that i met told me that my ligament was fractured...
so...i couldn't walk....
i just forced myself to walk...
luckily...Allah sent me a very good frenz..he's rifqi...
he took care of me very well...
he accompanied me everywhere that i wanted to go..
he fetched me up everyday....he bought things i wanted...
he worried if i walked too much....
he was really2 ......hmmmm...what can i say...can't define by word...
all i want to say is thank you rifqi..miss u so much...
just now,i am quite ashamed and shocked coz i don't know that i'd been operated a week ago...
i felt like i am such a $%@*...sorry my fren..i can't be like you when u treated me well before..
i am really ashamed..really...all i want to say is take care of yourself and slowly recovery yeah...k...jya mata..

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

is this a theory or just an assumption???

i like to watch people behaviours or attitude...
but i found one thing is quite interesting..
i dunno whether this is true or not...
assumption or a theory...
i just wanna share with you about reciting Quran..
there's one thing you should know or observe..
actually, we can learn the human attitude through the way they recite the Quran...
it's simple..
whether he or she can recite it fluently or not......
what i'd learned was....
if he or she can recite it well or really fluent.....
  • he afraid of doing bad things
  • he feel really guilty when he tries to lie to somebody
  • he can speak fluently in front of audience
  • he has a good attitude that we love to have
  • he's not shy to speak out the ideas he has
  • and he is not a troublemaker...

it is contrast with those who can't......
  • not afraid to lie
  • can't communicate well
  • not have self-confident to speak out..
  • not have a motivation to improve himself
  • doubtful person...
  • sometimes bad,sometimes good...not consistent...
  • and for sure...not a troublemaker...'perhaps'
so..this is the only thing that i wanna share with...
so...tell me if i am wrong...
this is my research.. that i had done...
so..please think about this..even just a second...tq for reading my post...
see again...jya mata..

Saturday, January 10, 2009

~weekend activity~~

my housemates and i spent about two hours just for watching a kung fu movie..
even though i never done any book or movie review..
i just wanna share or
recommend all of u to watch this is IP Man...

this movie was so exciting and suitable with those who likes an action movie..
it's full with action..
and also got certains funny and sad part...
this movie is about yip sifu..
who used "wing chun" style to fight...
but..he's not like the other kung fu fighters..
most of the kung fu fighters wanna show their strenght..
he's a little bit different..
he had survived hard experience in his life
where japenese army occupied his country..
everythings turned out...
because of nothing to eat..
he worked as a labour in one factory...
most of kung fu's sifu worked there to earn food..
japanese army did a marshal art competition everyday
the winner will get a bag of rice
need to fight first..if win bag..
so..when ip man relied that his friend didn't come back from the competition..
he decided to participate it..
actually,he's friend already died in the fight with Jeneral Miura..
so..when he arrived there..he saw his other friend,i forgot his name..
was shot after the fight..he got mad..and entered the court...

he then asked to fight with 10 people which you can see above there..
Jeneral Miura was shocked bcoz no one dare to fight with 10 people
even to win over one of his student will take a couple of mins..
ip man was so angry..
he wanted to revenge for his friends...
then he 'belasah' all the students without sympathy...
u should see this part...
broken leg,died, and more..
he fought with Jeneral Miura in front of public..
he wanted to show that...
china is for chinese...

haha..he won..Jeneral miura
didn't get any chance to attack ip man..
he's amazing...
then..he was shot by the assistant..
but..he survived..
bruce lee was one of his students...
watch it out!!!
don't miss this....k..thnx..

ip man with bruce lee......weeeeeeee~~~~

Thursday, January 8, 2009

how are you guys???

long time no see...
sorii...i am quite busy this week and try to find time to visit my blog at least...
haha...hope that all of you are in good gondition...with healthy life...
as we know, we are already in year 2009...
this year will be a challenging year for me...
ohhh..forgot...not for me only..but, to the other friends of KBU...
we are gonna face a TEE exam by the of this year.. and do our courseworks..huhu...
just prepare to die!!!!
haha..this is a great war of my this time only...
so...wish me luck...
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