Friday, October 4, 2013

Alahaii Aisyah yang comel.. I miss you laaa..

"hey pretty girl, may I know your name? what is your name? " - I asked her...
she looked at me..muke takot..gigit2 bibir and then ran away..

"hey pretty girl, why are you running away?? I am not eating you pon.. i am not a tiger okay" - I said again..
she kept running..and then menyorok belakang dinding..just stared at me..
no smile at all..looked like she was afraid and shocked with my sudden existence in her house..

"dont shy2 cat..come here. I just want to know you.. and want to talk to you only pretty girl" - ak pujuk..
sambil senyum2 nakal... kecil tu..cute sangat2..
anak abang Capik aka Sifu motor ak kat melbourne and my english teacher, teacher Ramiaida...
"die memang macam tu Bota..malu2..tapi ngn ko lame sket die malu..paling lame la ak tengok..da dekat sebulan dua da malu lagi..ngn org laen kejap je da lekat..ngn ko special sket" - kata abang Capik bersambut dengan gelak terbahak bahak die..
nak soh salam pon struggle jugak.. kecik can I melt your heart huh?? harder than a rock..lols..

every times dtg rumah Abang Capik..mesti xlepas peluang nak kacau Aisyah..
kept asking the same question..
"what's your name?"   -  "My name is Aisyahh...hmm Iffah.. Aisyah Iffah.."
"How are you today?" - " I am fine today uncle.. thank you"
"How old are you?"    - " I am four years old "  tapi tangan tunjuk 5 cute..
sampai ntah bile ntah..finally I was able to find her melting point.. heee~~ :P
from that moment..Aisyah Iffah sangat suke dan rindu2 kat ak..

selalu je Wan ( ibu kepada Teacher Ramiaida, yang dtg sini untuk setahun nak jage Aisyah) cte kat ak..
"Aisyah ni slalu je rindu kat Fikri tau..asal denga bunyi moto xpon loceng je..mesti lari depan sambil jerit2" - kata Wan
"Uncle Fikiiiiiii!!! Uncle Fikiiiii!!! Wannn!! Uncle Fiki is cominggg!!!" - jerit Aisyah..
selama ak hidup ni..xde orang panggil ak Fiki ak Fikri
Aisyah sorang je panggil ak Uncle Fiki dengan sebutan yang comelll..comell sangat..
padahal mase bukak pintu tu bukan aku, posmen anta delivery..hahahaha..kecian Aisyah Iffah...
lepas tu Wan tambah lagi..
"Aisyah cakap kat Wan, Uncle Fiki je die punye kawan kat sini..die xde kawan laen..tu pasal die rindu Fikri"
ooooo..ak melopong je laa..
then ak tanye Aisyah..
"Aisyah, do you have friend??" - me
" Yes I do" - said Aisyah..
"who?? may I know?" - tambah aku lagi..
" Uncle Fiki!!! you are my friend Uncle Fiki" - she said sambil senyum2..
"okay..good girl you are" - puji aku lagi..

asal g umah abang Capik, mesti ade session maen ngn Aisyah..saje je layan..
lukis gambar, warna Crayon..maen anak patong..pastu maen Playdoh..
macam2..pastu nanti start la die buat doh..yang tanah liat..kononnye maen masak2..
sambil buat apentah..sambil tanye.. "Uncle Fiki, do you like this??"
kalau ak jawab yes I am..nnt die senyum..pastu buat banyak2 lagi..
if ak jawab no i dont like it..pastu die akan reply... "okay"..'okay' die tu pendek je..xpnjg pon.
then terus buat bende laen and show to me simple and cute..haha

skang Aisyah da balik malaysia..
da beberapa kali da ak dtg lawat abang Capik family..jumpe Aisyah Iffah skali..
kalau aku sorang je dtg, die okay..kalau ak bawak kawan..die start la malu2 kucing die tu..
padahal kucing pon xmalu malu macam die..hahaha...
then ade jumpe before balik melbourne..2 kali plak tu before balik melbourne balik..
mesti aku tanye..
" Aisyah, do you want to follow me to go back to Melbourne?"
" Yes.. I want to follow you go to Melbourne.. Lets go" - kata Aisyah..
heee~~ :P ...ak senyum je.. kalau bleh, boleh je bawak..but you have to stay with your family and Wan kay..
" next year, when I come back for good and have a good car, make sure you follow me kay. I'll take you around eh Aisyah"...
" Okay Uncle Fiki" - senyum je si kecil tu

This was the first time I met her..So cold of her..typical of her

She was busy with her Dora book. We ate break-fasting at that time
I gave her the Stoner's crown when I came back from Phillip Island
 *It's a fantabulous thing that even a kid believe and follow your lead..
The best part is when she feels comfortable with me...
sometimes stranger is like family right.. okay miss you pretty girl!!

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