haha..cakap pasal this week..memang xleh blah...
kejap kate ok, kejap kate x...
kejap kate out, kejap kate in plak...
haha...ok la...
nak terus terang... aku ade cter pasal peha aku ni yang lebam kan...
mungkin disebabkan muscle yang overstretched...
so..aku restkan diri untuk beberapa hari...
dan dengan berat hatinye aku cakap kat captain bola aku yang aku xpdt maen..
huhu sedihnye.. sume orang cam kecewa gak ar bile aku announced xdpt maen...
nak wat camne?? aku patot rest kot..huhu...
so, bercutila aku.....
haha..then, aku join the HUJAN show kat melbourne ni...
diorang perform well..memang best.. haha...
ramai gler budak malaysia dtg.. so jadi macam perkampungan melayu ar sekejap..
haha...malam tu aku layan lagu..aku ni sebenarnye xde ar tau sgt lagu HUJAN ni...
xpe2..layan sudeh...bawak member2 dari sydney..palee,zaz, ngn fahmi...
kat situ, aku maen lompat2 ngn member...nak kate aku mmg layan lagu,x ar...
lompat2 pon sebab nak langgar2 diorang je...haha...best sepak2 diorang..
da lame xbuat...last pon kat sdar dulu..huhu...
then, ramai ar member bola aku perasan...
"oooo, maen bola xbleh, tapi layan lagu bleh plak ko eh..."
haha..no comment..balik dr show tu...kaki aku saket kot..huhu...
so,berehatla lagiiiiii....
malam rabu kot, aku call faidzal...dengan penuh bangge nye aku cakap...
"jal, i already made my decision not to play soccer for this umno cup"...
haha..dengan penuh confident nye aku cakap..kui3...
faidzal jawab "hmm,that's the best thing you should do...i'm totally hepi...kot ko maen,aku ketuk kepale ko!!!" haha...
garang sungguh..coz faidzal know how bad my condition is...thnx jal..siap kasi video lagi pasal lutut aku ni..haha...
after a 3 days rest, ade la improvement...lebam semakin berkurang..
n kondisi ku semakin baek...
hari jumaat @ semalam pon tibe....
ash@manager aku msg...
"anyone who want me to buy a shin pad, just text me"...
aku pon dengan gatalnye reply msg ash...
"aku da ade da,xyah beli untuk aku"...
then ash reply balik...
"weh, ko bleh maen x?? kite short 1 player nih..."
ops!!!! ooooo!!! oooo!!!...n dengan gatalnye aku reply balik..
"ye ke?? hmm..tengok la petang ni...aku rase macam bleh maen.."
petang pon tibe...
"bota, ko bleh maen x?? kejap injured, kejap ok" kate captain Oneng...
"haha..bleh kot...bleh3.."..aiks..cepatnye aku berubah..
ngn faidzal kemaen ar bersungguh ckp tanak...
ape kes ni?? haha..
"doink.haha..in da end, it's u who decide 4 urself" msg faidzal...
then aku mintak faidzal doa aku agar xinjured untuk game esoknye..huhu...
game day..group A...
bleh dikatekan sume team kuat...
there are:
Queensland, Adelaide, Clazio, DROP OUT, n Kaki Bangku..
sume team hebat..n kebanyakan game banyak seri...
n we expect that Kaki Bangku will easily lead the group..
coz their team is superb...n Adelaide also will perform well, coz there are the defending champion..
so..the matches begin...
for our team results...
DROP OUT vs Clazio (2-2)
DROP OUT vs Adelaide (0-0)
DROP OUT vs Queensland (0-2)
DROP OUT vs Kaki Bangku (1-1)
for others' results for group A are:
Adelaide vs Kaki Bangku (1-1)
Adelaide vs Clazio (1-2)
Adelaide vs Queensland (0-0)
Clazio vs Kaki Bangku (1-0)
Clazio vs Queensland (0-1)
Kaki Bangku vs Queesland (0-0)
aku rase..each match was really though..fair..n 50-50 to win...
in da end..the final standing was:
1. Queensland
2. Clazio
4. Adelaide
5. Kaki Bangku
I'm totally sure that all the Kaki Bangku players were really frustated eventhough they played well...haha...coz they are already started their training since last year i think..and we are just organized our new team...still had no much understanding well..
hope we will slowly improve our performance..haha...
our target is to win umno cup next year..huhu..
n i will make myself fit n ready before the tournament begins..
wanna avoid any injury at that time..n prepare to be the left wing for next year's team...
watch me out..haha...
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