today...i wake up at 8.10 a.m. and rushed up..
coz i should take a bus to KL Sentral and met faidzal there...
we were going to our former and beloved school..sdar...
coz today...
there was a celebration in sdar that all of us..
sdarians will celebrate it every year...
it is...sdar open day...
or more common to us...sdar open block...
perhaps bcoz of the blocks are open to see to everybody...
it is the day that every single human can take a look at our beautiful dormitories..
when i arrived KL sentral and met faidzal...
on the way to withdraw our money...
coincidentally, we met chot@cola and syahiran..
both of them were waiting for kepeng@hasnur hakim...
there we were....
coincident collar..
after that...
we took bus to seremban and already made a promise with our driver,shin chan@sabqie that we'll arrive seremban around 11 o clock...
and....that was the first time i think sdarians arrived on time..haha..
but not ah chan...
we waited him for 1 hours...
how hot we were.....'s okay coz it was still early...
n then....we met hatta...our old terminal one...
ah chan also brought ibrahim@baem@tambun together with
like what hatta said..tambun looked like a politician...the way he answered the phone calls...
then..we went to sdar...with ah chan's pajero...haha...8 people inside...
we also met baloo@rizal,mahbeb, apai@naim,asywad@badak, hafifi@bona,akhbar@baba, and rangga
so many...haha....
this year....the main competition were....which house can make the best and the most delicious bahulu and dodol......
haha...yeah..i know that to make needs a long time to stir the mixture of flour,eggs,and sugar..and to cook it well, it needs patient with the smokes..haha...
btw, i think that all the students,teachers and workers enjoyed doing all that things...
haha...just like before...
this year also....there was a haunted house made by the students...i think it was such a nice try for them to do a new thing...different one from the previous years...
we didn't know that..this year celebration...
sdar invited "bunkface" to make their performance in sdar...
i think this is the first time that i know that sdar invited a indie band...haha...
before this just invited nasyid artist such as akhil khay...
all the sdarians enjoyed well their songs...
if i'm not mistaken...there were revolusi, situasi and silli lilly..haha...

for us..
the most important thing to go back to sdar is to meet the teachers and thank them very much for every things that they had done to us...we really2 appreciate them very much...we luv them all...
and the other reason is to meet our old friends and also the sdarians...
and to know our school progress especially in academic and co curriculum...
this time...we were really happy...
we spent around 3 and a half hours in sdar.. before we returned....

or with a very good career...
and perhaps we can contribute back to sdar....
"berilmu untuk berjasa"....
-------------proud to be--------------
1 comment:
tu chola ke tu...wah...dh berubah la ...hahaha.a..
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