ni permainan orang lame2 dulu...
kau di sana...
ku di sini...
kite pegang tali same2 ye...
make sure tarik kuat2 eh..
bleh tengok sape kuat...
sape menang...
at least bleh kuar peluh...
sehat jugak hidup ni...
kalau aku menang..alamatnye kau kena ke tempat ku..
dan kalau aku kalah...aku akan ke tempat kau...
ok..mula eh...
kenape kau xtarik???
xkan aku nak tarik sorang2 plak??/
mane de orang maen tarik tali sorang2...
xbest la...
kalau kau xtarik...
bermakna...kau mengaku kalah eh??
xpon kau nak mengaku yang aku ni xsetaraf kuat ngn kau eh???
aku nak maen tarik tali bukan nak tunjuk kuat...
tapi just nak berseronok dengan kau...
tapi..dari dulu lagi...
kau xnak maen tarik tali ngan aku...
hina sangat ke aku ni???
lemah sangat ke???
kalau kau rase aku ni xcukup hebat dengan kau...
xpe la...carik la orang laen yang setaraf...
mungkin kau akan berusaha untuk mengalahkannya...
dan buat kau puas hati...
aku tau aku sape kat sini...
kau mesti xpandang punya...
sebab aku xde ape...
tapi ape yang aku harap kan sini ialah...
aku pon nak cube lawan kau...
merasai nikmat berlawan bersama-sama...
mane tau aku boleh setaraf ngan kau...
janganlah terlalu memandang rendah kat aku...
terasa diri ini hina sangat...
xpe..lepas ni kalau kau menang...
aku pergi....
aku akan mengaku kau teramat hebat yang pernah ku jumpa dalam hidupku...
marilah kita cuba ya!!!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
setiap permulaan pastinya ada pengakhiran...
setiap yang dicipta pasti akan sampai tempohnya untuk dimusnahkan...
setiap yang muda pastinya akan perlahan-lahan menjadi tua...
setiap yang kuat pastinya akan hilang kekuatannya..
setiap yang angkuh dan sombong pastinya akan jatuh terduduk pada tiba waktunya...
Ya Allah....
sungguh hebat ciptaan-Mu...
kauberikan segalanya pada umat manusia...
tatkala ku lapar, kau berikanku makanan yang enak2...
tatkala ku haus, kau berikanku minuman...
tatakala ku ngantuk, kau tidurkan ku untuk sebentar...
dengan setiap hadiahmu padaku...ku hidup lagi di dunia ini...
dengan setiap oksigen yang bersih, dapat kuhirupkenikmatannya untuk meneruskan hidup..
dengan setiap zat-Mu..ya Allah....
ku gembira...alhamdulillah...
tak dapat kubayangkan bagaimana umat manusia ini jika kau tarik nikmat bernafas itu dalam masa 2 minit..
xdapat kubayangkan jika segala rezeki yang kau berikan ,kau tarik balik...
xdapat kubayangkan jika kau gelapkan bumi ini tanpa sinar mentari...
sesungguhnya aku bersyukur akan segala nikmat-Mu...
bila senang, kita lupa...
bila susah baru kita memohon segalanya pada Allah yang Maha Esa...
mengapa begini??
hatiku menjadi sebak sedih dengan apa yang kian terjadi pada dini hari...
hari2 ku, akan kupenuhi dengan membaca surat khabar yang penuh dengan penceritaan tentang manusia..
kezaliman, kerakusan, sikap tamak haloba, tipu menipu, gejala merompak, anak luar nikah, nafsu serakah dan segalanya...
apa yang sudah terjadi? tidakkah mereka takut akan hari pembalasan-Mu?
tidakkah mereka sedar bahawa bila2 masa sahaja kau boleh menarik roh dari jasad?
siapalah diri ini untuk mempersoalkan hal itu dan ini...
namun, jauh di sudut hati, aku berharap segalanya dapat berubah...
mungkin post ini akan menjadi post ku yang terakhir sebelum daku pergi bercuti untuk beberapa bulan..
dan mungkin benar2 post terakhir daripada diri ini...
sesungguhnya salah dan silap itu xdapat lari...
daku ingin memohon maaf sepuluh jari jika ada menyakitkan hati
atau terkasar bahasa kepada pihak2 tertentu...
blog ini hanyalah kupasan dari pandangan ku sendiri..
dan untuk tatapan sekalian...
kebanyakan cerita adalah benar belaka...
dan kebanyakan puisi xpon pantun xpon sastera yang mengarut2 tu adalah ciptaan ku sendiri...
semogo ultroman dapat berdamai dengan raksasa..barulah dunia ni aman...
diharap kita dapat berjumpa lagi...
setiap yang dicipta pasti akan sampai tempohnya untuk dimusnahkan...
setiap yang muda pastinya akan perlahan-lahan menjadi tua...
setiap yang kuat pastinya akan hilang kekuatannya..
setiap yang angkuh dan sombong pastinya akan jatuh terduduk pada tiba waktunya...
Ya Allah....
sungguh hebat ciptaan-Mu...
kauberikan segalanya pada umat manusia...
tatkala ku lapar, kau berikanku makanan yang enak2...
tatkala ku haus, kau berikanku minuman...
tatakala ku ngantuk, kau tidurkan ku untuk sebentar...
dengan setiap hadiahmu padaku...ku hidup lagi di dunia ini...
dengan setiap oksigen yang bersih, dapat kuhirupkenikmatannya untuk meneruskan hidup..
dengan setiap zat-Mu..ya Allah....
ku gembira...alhamdulillah...
tak dapat kubayangkan bagaimana umat manusia ini jika kau tarik nikmat bernafas itu dalam masa 2 minit..
xdapat kubayangkan jika segala rezeki yang kau berikan ,kau tarik balik...
xdapat kubayangkan jika kau gelapkan bumi ini tanpa sinar mentari...
sesungguhnya aku bersyukur akan segala nikmat-Mu...
bila senang, kita lupa...
bila susah baru kita memohon segalanya pada Allah yang Maha Esa...
mengapa begini??
hatiku menjadi sebak sedih dengan apa yang kian terjadi pada dini hari...
hari2 ku, akan kupenuhi dengan membaca surat khabar yang penuh dengan penceritaan tentang manusia..
kezaliman, kerakusan, sikap tamak haloba, tipu menipu, gejala merompak, anak luar nikah, nafsu serakah dan segalanya...
apa yang sudah terjadi? tidakkah mereka takut akan hari pembalasan-Mu?
tidakkah mereka sedar bahawa bila2 masa sahaja kau boleh menarik roh dari jasad?
siapalah diri ini untuk mempersoalkan hal itu dan ini...
namun, jauh di sudut hati, aku berharap segalanya dapat berubah...
mungkin post ini akan menjadi post ku yang terakhir sebelum daku pergi bercuti untuk beberapa bulan..
dan mungkin benar2 post terakhir daripada diri ini...
sesungguhnya salah dan silap itu xdapat lari...
daku ingin memohon maaf sepuluh jari jika ada menyakitkan hati
atau terkasar bahasa kepada pihak2 tertentu...
blog ini hanyalah kupasan dari pandangan ku sendiri..
dan untuk tatapan sekalian...
kebanyakan cerita adalah benar belaka...
dan kebanyakan puisi xpon pantun xpon sastera yang mengarut2 tu adalah ciptaan ku sendiri...
semogo ultroman dapat berdamai dengan raksasa..barulah dunia ni aman...
diharap kita dapat berjumpa lagi...
Saturday, November 7, 2009
...face up...
when i was child...i had no self confident at all... late father and mother always taught me to be more positive thinking and brave...
they sent me to join scout camp when i was 5 at melaka...
my father brought me together with him when he went into jungle at night...
my mother always brought me to go to her school and join learning together with her students...
i had a lot of fun with them...
n i learnt a lot from them...
when they passed away...
my life started to go up and down...i couldn't focus at all in my studies at that time..
but..i was so grandma took a very good care of me...
she gave me a lot of advices just to face this world...
since then...
i started to develop my own self confident...
i had my own strength....i had a very great determination...
i wanna be somebody one day....
but...not every single plan that we made will follow the order...
it's all depend on him..Allah SWT... we as human, just can try our best to plan and try...
he is the one who can give us our rezeki...
where are we heading to...
and what will happen to us next...
and when this unwanted thing happen to us...we start to lose our self confident...
self more motivation...we just think that we better get off or die...
this is very hard to us to face...
because....we are human....we always want the best from him...
but sometime because of our "bad" behaviour or attitude...he may not give rezeki to us...
we should be grateful as long as Allah give us opportunity to breathe and alive...
if we are weak...
all that we can do is just cry...cry...cry and cry...
we will be very sad...upset...n face down...
and i believe that all of us also have our own problem...
problem that really make us feel very sad...
may be because of him...or her...
or studies..exam....our boss...or...laptop....
i also have my own....i really wanted to cry...but i can't...n i really feel sad..but i don't want to show...better i just keep it inside..coz i am this type of person....
even it bits me slowly....
i have answered 4 out of five my TEE final exam paper...
and i can't give any comment personally..coz there are still 4000 students answer the same questions...i just hope the best from my self...
but in the end..i think...still not best enough...
when i was in rugby coach, cikgu chot always gave me support...
n there was a moment when my rugby team was almost defeated...
at that emergency moment...what he said was...
"c'mon lions!!! we can win this game.believe in yourself..all of us can do it..find your SECOND WIND!!!!.. don't lose..we still have time...what do we want??? we always want to win right, lions?
so...blow your SECOND WIN!!! don't ever ever ever give up until the end..go guys...let's teach them!!"
it was very motivated..we played hard..we blow our SECOND WIND....our spirit....
and we managed to win and be the champion of the state...
i really want to go back to that moment...i missed it...
i also have a lot of friends...most of my friends really care about me...
n i was so grateful to be myself...they can spend their time n knowledge to help me out..
to give motivation when i was in trouble...they are amazing....
i got fareez, rifqi, chan, acap, fatihah, fatin adilah, faseeha, huda, iman, ah chong, 'aisyah, kinok, maro, iqbal, and more...i love all of them....
they make me feel happy...and make me smile...always...
my teacher and lecturers also always support me from behind...
they are kinda good people...
hope ALLAH will bless all of u guys...
life....hmmm....hard to say...
there are some of my friends feel very sad about their studies rite now...
n i try to help them by giving a good word to some story...
because i don't want to be sad too...
coz i know all of us here really want to aussie...
don't want to make our parent ashame...
we want to prove to them..but sometimes we also put pressure on our selves..
i always keep telling to my friends that....
we just try our best yeah..coz we don't know the future..just pray to Allah..
he's the only one who can help us...don't sad my friends..if today we don't catch any fish...
may be tomorrow we will get the big one...who knows?
so..just try will come...insyaAllah...we try yeah...
hope all can get the result we want...huhu...
guys...face up yeah!!!...
face up!!!! late father and mother always taught me to be more positive thinking and brave...
they sent me to join scout camp when i was 5 at melaka...
my father brought me together with him when he went into jungle at night...
my mother always brought me to go to her school and join learning together with her students...
i had a lot of fun with them...
n i learnt a lot from them...
when they passed away...
my life started to go up and down...i couldn't focus at all in my studies at that time..
but..i was so grandma took a very good care of me...
she gave me a lot of advices just to face this world...
since then...
i started to develop my own self confident...
i had my own strength....i had a very great determination...
i wanna be somebody one day....
but...not every single plan that we made will follow the order...
it's all depend on him..Allah SWT... we as human, just can try our best to plan and try...
he is the one who can give us our rezeki...
where are we heading to...
and what will happen to us next...
and when this unwanted thing happen to us...we start to lose our self confident...
self more motivation...we just think that we better get off or die...
this is very hard to us to face...
because....we are human....we always want the best from him...
but sometime because of our "bad" behaviour or attitude...he may not give rezeki to us...
we should be grateful as long as Allah give us opportunity to breathe and alive...
if we are weak...
all that we can do is just cry...cry...cry and cry...
we will be very sad...upset...n face down...
and i believe that all of us also have our own problem...
problem that really make us feel very sad...
may be because of him...or her...
or studies..exam....our boss...or...laptop....
i also have my own....i really wanted to cry...but i can't...n i really feel sad..but i don't want to show...better i just keep it inside..coz i am this type of person....
even it bits me slowly....
i have answered 4 out of five my TEE final exam paper...
and i can't give any comment personally..coz there are still 4000 students answer the same questions...i just hope the best from my self...
but in the end..i think...still not best enough...
when i was in rugby coach, cikgu chot always gave me support...
n there was a moment when my rugby team was almost defeated...
at that emergency moment...what he said was...
"c'mon lions!!! we can win this game.believe in yourself..all of us can do it..find your SECOND WIND!!!!.. don't lose..we still have time...what do we want??? we always want to win right, lions?
so...blow your SECOND WIN!!! don't ever ever ever give up until the end..go guys...let's teach them!!"
it was very motivated..we played hard..we blow our SECOND WIND....our spirit....
and we managed to win and be the champion of the state...
i really want to go back to that moment...i missed it...
i also have a lot of friends...most of my friends really care about me...
n i was so grateful to be myself...they can spend their time n knowledge to help me out..
to give motivation when i was in trouble...they are amazing....
i got fareez, rifqi, chan, acap, fatihah, fatin adilah, faseeha, huda, iman, ah chong, 'aisyah, kinok, maro, iqbal, and more...i love all of them....
they make me feel happy...and make me smile...always...
my teacher and lecturers also always support me from behind...
they are kinda good people...
hope ALLAH will bless all of u guys...
life....hmmm....hard to say...
there are some of my friends feel very sad about their studies rite now...
n i try to help them by giving a good word to some story...
because i don't want to be sad too...
coz i know all of us here really want to aussie...
don't want to make our parent ashame...
we want to prove to them..but sometimes we also put pressure on our selves..
i always keep telling to my friends that....
we just try our best yeah..coz we don't know the future..just pray to Allah..
he's the only one who can help us...don't sad my friends..if today we don't catch any fish...
may be tomorrow we will get the big one...who knows?
so..just try will come...insyaAllah...we try yeah...
hope all can get the result we want...huhu...
guys...face up yeah!!!...
face up!!!!
Monday, November 2, 2009
...break my legs...
hmm...aku masih lagi ingat zaman form 1 ku di sdar...
ex headboy 2002 dtg bagi ceramah...
namanya anwar abit...sume orangg cakap die legend...memang legend pon...
sempat la die kasi tips kejayaan...
"kite kene jaga 5 hubungan ni,insyaAllah berjaya..
pertama..hubungan kite dengan Allah...
kedua...hubungan kite dengan ibu bapa...
ketiga..hubungan kite dengan guru2...
keempat...hubungan kite dengan kawan2..xkesah la yang penting kawan...
dan yang terakhir..hubungan kite dengan diri sendiri"
aku juga sering mendengar kate2 ustad kat sdar dulu...
"janganlah mase nak exam je kite buat baek..buat solat hajat, puasa sunat...
tapi lepas exam..tarak..sume bende habis...kene jage sume bende tu"
cikgu norzila,mariana sensei pon ade kasi semangat..
"nak exam ke fikri?? ala..boleh tu..insyaAllah..buat je yang terbaek...awak mesti boleh!!!"
hari2 yang menggembirakan aku....
nenek,maklang, paklong, mama,paksu and acik pon slalu pesan...
"blaja rajen2 ngah...selalu doa untuk angah...selalu ingat kat Allah..insyaAllah die tolong...amin"
terharu sungguh aku..syg sgt kat famili ku....
to arwah abah, mak, and anja....doakan lah kejayaan angah dari sane...angah akan buat yang terbaek...syg abah...syg mak...rindu anja...
hmm..exam ku esok..xsbr nak exam..xsbr nak balik kampong...
n xsbr nak ilang beban study ni....
tapi stil cuak gak..hoho..manusia..xcuak x best ar kan..haha...
yosh...pen?? hmm..da beli da semalam...g-soft sebagaimana yang disyorkan oleh cik 'aisyah tika aritu..mekaseh!!!...
pemadam?? hmmm "beli satu sudah!! ko nak beli banyak2 buat ape?nak makan ke??" kate zaz..haha..
pembaris panjang??? da ade da kat umah...
liquid paper?? "weh zaz, ko pakai liquid x mase exam??" "pakai gak ar sikit2"...cis..beli gak ar walaupun harge liquid cinoit tu same macam beli minyak rambut...
protector??? perluke??? xtau!!!
dictionary??? argh!!! terpakse gak kuar duet beli satu..gare2 disebabkan thesaurus xleh bawak masuk....
laen2?? tarak!!!! cukup la tu...
k la..kawan2..doakan lah diri ini untuk mudah menjawab exam esok...
ampun maaf dipinta kalau cebisan2 kate dalam blog ni ade membuatkan anda semua terase...
gud luck to all samers and ausmaters!!!!
slm perantauan..hohoho....
ex headboy 2002 dtg bagi ceramah...
namanya anwar abit...sume orangg cakap die legend...memang legend pon...
sempat la die kasi tips kejayaan...
"kite kene jaga 5 hubungan ni,insyaAllah berjaya..
pertama..hubungan kite dengan Allah...
kedua...hubungan kite dengan ibu bapa...
ketiga..hubungan kite dengan guru2...
keempat...hubungan kite dengan kawan2..xkesah la yang penting kawan...
dan yang terakhir..hubungan kite dengan diri sendiri"
aku juga sering mendengar kate2 ustad kat sdar dulu...
"janganlah mase nak exam je kite buat baek..buat solat hajat, puasa sunat...
tapi lepas exam..tarak..sume bende habis...kene jage sume bende tu"
cikgu norzila,mariana sensei pon ade kasi semangat..
"nak exam ke fikri?? ala..boleh tu..insyaAllah..buat je yang terbaek...awak mesti boleh!!!"
hari2 yang menggembirakan aku....
nenek,maklang, paklong, mama,paksu and acik pon slalu pesan...
"blaja rajen2 ngah...selalu doa untuk angah...selalu ingat kat Allah..insyaAllah die tolong...amin"
terharu sungguh aku..syg sgt kat famili ku....
to arwah abah, mak, and anja....doakan lah kejayaan angah dari sane...angah akan buat yang terbaek...syg abah...syg mak...rindu anja...
hmm..exam ku esok..xsbr nak exam..xsbr nak balik kampong...
n xsbr nak ilang beban study ni....
tapi stil cuak gak..hoho..manusia..xcuak x best ar kan..haha...
yosh...pen?? hmm..da beli da semalam...g-soft sebagaimana yang disyorkan oleh cik 'aisyah tika aritu..mekaseh!!!...
pemadam?? hmmm "beli satu sudah!! ko nak beli banyak2 buat ape?nak makan ke??" kate zaz..haha..
pembaris panjang??? da ade da kat umah...
liquid paper?? "weh zaz, ko pakai liquid x mase exam??" "pakai gak ar sikit2"...cis..beli gak ar walaupun harge liquid cinoit tu same macam beli minyak rambut...
protector??? perluke??? xtau!!!
dictionary??? argh!!! terpakse gak kuar duet beli satu..gare2 disebabkan thesaurus xleh bawak masuk....
laen2?? tarak!!!! cukup la tu...
k la..kawan2..doakan lah diri ini untuk mudah menjawab exam esok...
ampun maaf dipinta kalau cebisan2 kate dalam blog ni ade membuatkan anda semua terase...
gud luck to all samers and ausmaters!!!!
slm perantauan..hohoho....
Saturday, October 31, 2009
hari2 yang membisu...
membuatkan lidahku menjadi kelu...
hari2 yang kosong...
membuatkan ku termenung...
hari2 yang ditunggu...
entahkan bila akan menyapa...
hari2 yang sejuk dek hujan...
membuatkan aku keselimutan...
entahlah apa nak jadi pada diriku...
tiada lagi siulan...
tiada lagi nyanyian....
hari2 yang berlalu....
tatkala kini...
sibuk pula mengganggu...
mengenangkan naseb untuk berada disini sudah tidak lama...
ku bersungguh daya upaya...
cuba menghilangkan sengsara di lubuk hati ini...
ku masih sabar menunggu...
hari peperiksaan akan muncul sat je lagi...
sebelum hari untuk mengucapkan selamat tinggal selamanya akan menyapa...
ku akan pergi selamanya...
hari2 yang kosong...
membuatkan lidahku menjadi kelu...
hari2 yang kosong...
membuatkan ku termenung...
hari2 yang ditunggu...
entahkan bila akan menyapa...
hari2 yang sejuk dek hujan...
membuatkan aku keselimutan...
entahlah apa nak jadi pada diriku...
tiada lagi siulan...
tiada lagi nyanyian....
hari2 yang berlalu....
tatkala kini...
sibuk pula mengganggu...
mengenangkan naseb untuk berada disini sudah tidak lama...
ku bersungguh daya upaya...
cuba menghilangkan sengsara di lubuk hati ini...
ku masih sabar menunggu...
hari peperiksaan akan muncul sat je lagi...
sebelum hari untuk mengucapkan selamat tinggal selamanya akan menyapa...
ku akan pergi selamanya...
hari2 yang kosong...
Monday, October 26, 2009
pejam celik pejam celik...dan pejam punye celik...
tau2 da tinggal seminggu lagi nak final exam TEE ni..
cuak tu cuak ar jugak..tapi kengkadang rase cam confident plak rasenye nak fly ni..
huhu..xsabor ni...
tapi satu je masalahnye...
aku ni da ilang fokus ke???
ade mase aku pikir pasal bola...aiseyh..kalah lagi team MU aku close...
ade mase plak aku ayik pikir pasal nak fly je...
tapi usaha tarak...ape da..ko ingat ko tu pandai sgt ke huh??
"ntah la...xkot",kata hati ni...
kot nak imagine da sampai aussie mmg la best...tapi exam pon xbuat lagi...
kot dalam peribahasa bola la kan...
bola tu bulat..dalam 90 minit, ape2 bleh jadi..
dalam kate exam plak...
kertas itu cantik dan putih..kang sebab seminggu ni kang kertas tu lagi putih...
ko nak yang putih ke?? atau ko nak yang penuh tulisan pensel??
pikir2 kan la..
lagi satu hal...
semangat nak study tu dah ade...mmg da bukak note..siap kalkulator lagi...n pegang pensel...
alik2...note tu mmg aku bace.. setengah jam la jugak aku bace satu page..
last2, satu hapah pon xmasok kat dalam pale otak ni...
ape deh ko buat??
berangan la...sume jenis bende aku nak pikir..dari tang tu sampai tang ni...
dari si dia sampai si polan...
dari bunkface sampai la antonio valencia...
hish3..teruk betul kan??? xfokus langsung..
bak kate encik labu@zaz..."kenapa kite harapkan sesuatu yang xpasti?"
maksud beliau...da tau TEE xsettle lagi..toksah la nak berangan banyak bende..wat keje..fokus..n jawab exam next week..if nak jadikan bende yang kite harapkan tu pasti la..
isk3...banyak betul aku merapek...
sebenarnye la...
aku nak kongsi..xtau la bende betul ke x...
harap jangan jadi masalah ar...
aku rase ar..sebenarnye tahap fokus kite terhadap sesuatu bende...macam study,exam,keje..n ape2 je la...
aku rase aku rase eh..xbace ape2 artikel pon..
actually bende ni depend kat jauh mane kite kusyuk dalam solat..
erti kata laen, kite kusyuk mengingati tuhan yang maha esa,Allah SWT....
mesti ade antara kite yang kadang2 xkusyuk mase solat...pikir bende tu la..bende ni la...
pernah x?? mesti la kan..saye pon mengaku gak...
tapi..if kite berjaye fokus dalam solat...saye yakin n xragu2 kite semua mesti fokus dalam melaksanakan kerja seharian kite..kan?? hehe...insyaAllah bile fokus dalam solat..kite boleh gempak dalam study xpon career...
dalam azan pon ade maksod....
marilah menunaikan solat..(dahulu dan lepas tu)
marilah menuju kejayaan...kan???
so..fokus kat solat dulu, insyaAllah..kite berjaye capai kejayaan...
ini hanya buah fikiran saye sahaje..dan just terlintas dalam kepala otak ni...
kalau ade silap dan salah..hamba minta ampun dan maaf...
sesungguhnya hamba ini masih lagi mengaji...
same2 la kite mengaji ya..k...
tau2 da tinggal seminggu lagi nak final exam TEE ni..
cuak tu cuak ar jugak..tapi kengkadang rase cam confident plak rasenye nak fly ni..
huhu..xsabor ni...
tapi satu je masalahnye...
aku ni da ilang fokus ke???
ade mase aku pikir pasal bola...aiseyh..kalah lagi team MU aku close...
ade mase plak aku ayik pikir pasal nak fly je...
tapi usaha tarak...ape da..ko ingat ko tu pandai sgt ke huh??
"ntah la...xkot",kata hati ni...
kot nak imagine da sampai aussie mmg la best...tapi exam pon xbuat lagi...
kot dalam peribahasa bola la kan...
bola tu bulat..dalam 90 minit, ape2 bleh jadi..
dalam kate exam plak...
kertas itu cantik dan putih..kang sebab seminggu ni kang kertas tu lagi putih...
ko nak yang putih ke?? atau ko nak yang penuh tulisan pensel??
pikir2 kan la..
lagi satu hal...
semangat nak study tu dah ade...mmg da bukak note..siap kalkulator lagi...n pegang pensel...
alik2...note tu mmg aku bace.. setengah jam la jugak aku bace satu page..
last2, satu hapah pon xmasok kat dalam pale otak ni...
ape deh ko buat??
berangan la...sume jenis bende aku nak pikir..dari tang tu sampai tang ni...
dari si dia sampai si polan...
dari bunkface sampai la antonio valencia...
hish3..teruk betul kan??? xfokus langsung..
bak kate encik labu@zaz..."kenapa kite harapkan sesuatu yang xpasti?"
maksud beliau...da tau TEE xsettle lagi..toksah la nak berangan banyak bende..wat keje..fokus..n jawab exam next week..if nak jadikan bende yang kite harapkan tu pasti la..
isk3...banyak betul aku merapek...
sebenarnye la...
aku nak kongsi..xtau la bende betul ke x...
harap jangan jadi masalah ar...
aku rase ar..sebenarnye tahap fokus kite terhadap sesuatu bende...macam study,exam,keje..n ape2 je la...
aku rase aku rase eh..xbace ape2 artikel pon..
actually bende ni depend kat jauh mane kite kusyuk dalam solat..
erti kata laen, kite kusyuk mengingati tuhan yang maha esa,Allah SWT....
mesti ade antara kite yang kadang2 xkusyuk mase solat...pikir bende tu la..bende ni la...
pernah x?? mesti la kan..saye pon mengaku gak...
tapi..if kite berjaye fokus dalam solat...saye yakin n xragu2 kite semua mesti fokus dalam melaksanakan kerja seharian kite..kan?? hehe...insyaAllah bile fokus dalam solat..kite boleh gempak dalam study xpon career...
dalam azan pon ade maksod....
marilah menunaikan solat..(dahulu dan lepas tu)
marilah menuju kejayaan...kan???
so..fokus kat solat dulu, insyaAllah..kite berjaye capai kejayaan...
ini hanya buah fikiran saye sahaje..dan just terlintas dalam kepala otak ni...
kalau ade silap dan salah..hamba minta ampun dan maaf...
sesungguhnya hamba ini masih lagi mengaji...
same2 la kite mengaji ya..k...
Thursday, October 22, 2009 light of tomorrow...
sometimes we feel very upset coz of our reputation... our career..studies...or sports that we involved in...
we can't be the best like what we wanna be...
wanna be like someone...
such as dato' nicol david, dato' lee chong wei...who are the successful athletes in our country..
sheikh muzaffar..who have experienced ISS life...
rosyam nor, faizal tahir , meet uncle hussein and those who are famous and rich here...
we did everything with all our effort...
but the result was still the same...
the result that make us feel more depressed with our self...
we start to have a very low self-esteem...
and the worst part is...
we hate to be ourself...
in this situation, can we say that there is no more light of tomorrow???
may be some say yes...
and may be some say no...'s true...
"rome can't be built in one day"...
same goes to us...
legend or superstar can't easily come out by attending a class for only one day... build up our "rome"...
we should be very positive in our mind and always say that we still have chance and opportunity to grab...
may be not now...
or may be not tomorrow...
may be it will come later..even a little bit late...
but we still can get it...
the chance that can lead us to our own future...
the chance that can give us happiness...
the chance that can make us smile everyday...
as long as u still alive...
as long as the sun can emit his light...
as long as u can see this world is still bright...
as long as u are given opportunity to breathe...
u still have time...
u still have time to prove that...
u are also the best...among the "bestest"
among the the one...
let's us go together and sketch path of our life beautifully...
so we can grab the future...
and we can shine our day...
not only tomorrow...hopefully it will be forever...
light on please!!!!!
just take one fine step guys...
gud luck!!!! our career..studies...or sports that we involved in...
we can't be the best like what we wanna be...
wanna be like someone...
such as dato' nicol david, dato' lee chong wei...who are the successful athletes in our country..
sheikh muzaffar..who have experienced ISS life...
rosyam nor, faizal tahir , meet uncle hussein and those who are famous and rich here...
we did everything with all our effort...
but the result was still the same...
the result that make us feel more depressed with our self...
we start to have a very low self-esteem...
and the worst part is...
we hate to be ourself...
in this situation, can we say that there is no more light of tomorrow???
may be some say yes...
and may be some say no...'s true...
"rome can't be built in one day"...
same goes to us...
legend or superstar can't easily come out by attending a class for only one day... build up our "rome"...
we should be very positive in our mind and always say that we still have chance and opportunity to grab...
may be not now...
or may be not tomorrow...
may be it will come later..even a little bit late...
but we still can get it...
the chance that can lead us to our own future...
the chance that can give us happiness...
the chance that can make us smile everyday...
as long as u still alive...
as long as the sun can emit his light...
as long as u can see this world is still bright...
as long as u are given opportunity to breathe...
u still have time...
u still have time to prove that...
u are also the best...among the "bestest"
among the the one...
let's us go together and sketch path of our life beautifully...
so we can grab the future...
and we can shine our day...
not only tomorrow...hopefully it will be forever...
light on please!!!!!
just take one fine step guys...
gud luck!!!!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
...sekuntum bunga itu...
betulkah yang sang pencinta boleh memetik sekuntum bunga yang indah???
dan kalau bunga itu layu...
boleh dipetik lagi kerna di dunia ini terdapat begitu banyak bangat bunga2 yang indah ...
yang mekar menguntum di serata...
dalam pepatah melayu itu ada mengatakan mengenai kumbang dan bunga...
si kumbang boleh mendapatkan bunga impian nya...
xtahu la betul ke tidak..kalau salah tolong beritahu ya...
dan si kumbang itu simboliknya pada yang jejaka2 atau kaum lelaki...
dan si bunga itu ditujukan pada si anak dara atau kaumnya wanita...
mengikut carta populasi pada masa ini...
ia menunjukkan peningkatan dalam populasi wanita adalah teramat tinggi berbanding si lelaki..
boleh dikatakan 3 kali ganda...
hal ini dapat dilihat bilangan nya di sekolah,universiti, pusat membeli-belah dan segala tempat yang patut lah...
memang sebetulnya lelaki itu ada harapan untuk menjadi si kumbang dan mendapatkan sang bunga sebanyak 3 kuntum seekor...
jadi dengan kata laen peluang untuk berpoligami itu tinggi..(tapi poligami ni bukan topiknya ya)..
haha...ada namun di situ...
baru2 ini...penulis berpeluang mempelajari ilmu puisi bahasa inggeris bersama miss chan...
miss chan ni merupakan lecturer inggeris penulis....
satu perkara yang menggamit perasaan penulis adalah bila beliau mengatakan sebenarnya lelaki itu adalah umpama sekuntum bunga..bukannya si anak dara...
aikk?? ini yang membuatkan penulis bengong sebentar...kerna masa itu kami sedang berbincang mengenai puisi cinta...
setelah diberi penerangan lanjut..baru lah penulis memahami apa yang di maksudkannya...
menurut miss chan...lelaki itu umpama bunga kerna si pemetiknya adalah si wanita...
hal ini mungkin benar...kerna....
lelaki itu hanya mampu mengurat dan mengambil hati si anak dara...
dan hanya si anak dara saja yang berhak untuk memilih siapa kasih hatinya yang mampu menawan hati...
banyak mana lelaki yang dia mungkin mencari yang terbaik...
"only the best man wins"...
hal ini bersangkutan dengan kisah sang pencinta dan si bunga...
bunga itu akan memekarkan dan mencantikkan dirinya agar dapat menarik perhatian dan menawan hati sang pencinta...banyak mana pun cantiknya bunga itu..mungkin hanya satu yang akan dipetik oleh sang pencinta...
dengan kata lain..
si anak dara ataupun kaum wanita itu mempunyai pilihan untuk memilih yang terbaik untuknya..
jadi...fikir2 kan lah...ini hanya adalah kupasan penulis...
umpama bawang yang dikupas...
mungkin luarnya nampak buruk..tapi bila dikupas sedikit demi sedikit...
insyaAllah cantik isinya......
....kuberikan sekuntum bunga untuk dirimu...
dan kalau bunga itu layu...
boleh dipetik lagi kerna di dunia ini terdapat begitu banyak bangat bunga2 yang indah ...
yang mekar menguntum di serata...
dalam pepatah melayu itu ada mengatakan mengenai kumbang dan bunga...
si kumbang boleh mendapatkan bunga impian nya...
xtahu la betul ke tidak..kalau salah tolong beritahu ya...
dan si kumbang itu simboliknya pada yang jejaka2 atau kaum lelaki...
dan si bunga itu ditujukan pada si anak dara atau kaumnya wanita...
mengikut carta populasi pada masa ini...
ia menunjukkan peningkatan dalam populasi wanita adalah teramat tinggi berbanding si lelaki..
boleh dikatakan 3 kali ganda...
hal ini dapat dilihat bilangan nya di sekolah,universiti, pusat membeli-belah dan segala tempat yang patut lah...
memang sebetulnya lelaki itu ada harapan untuk menjadi si kumbang dan mendapatkan sang bunga sebanyak 3 kuntum seekor...
jadi dengan kata laen peluang untuk berpoligami itu tinggi..(tapi poligami ni bukan topiknya ya)..
haha...ada namun di situ...
baru2 ini...penulis berpeluang mempelajari ilmu puisi bahasa inggeris bersama miss chan...
miss chan ni merupakan lecturer inggeris penulis....
satu perkara yang menggamit perasaan penulis adalah bila beliau mengatakan sebenarnya lelaki itu adalah umpama sekuntum bunga..bukannya si anak dara...
aikk?? ini yang membuatkan penulis bengong sebentar...kerna masa itu kami sedang berbincang mengenai puisi cinta...
setelah diberi penerangan lanjut..baru lah penulis memahami apa yang di maksudkannya...
menurut miss chan...lelaki itu umpama bunga kerna si pemetiknya adalah si wanita...
hal ini mungkin benar...kerna....
lelaki itu hanya mampu mengurat dan mengambil hati si anak dara...
dan hanya si anak dara saja yang berhak untuk memilih siapa kasih hatinya yang mampu menawan hati...
banyak mana lelaki yang dia mungkin mencari yang terbaik...
"only the best man wins"...
hal ini bersangkutan dengan kisah sang pencinta dan si bunga...
bunga itu akan memekarkan dan mencantikkan dirinya agar dapat menarik perhatian dan menawan hati sang pencinta...banyak mana pun cantiknya bunga itu..mungkin hanya satu yang akan dipetik oleh sang pencinta...
dengan kata lain..
si anak dara ataupun kaum wanita itu mempunyai pilihan untuk memilih yang terbaik untuknya..
jadi...fikir2 kan lah...ini hanya adalah kupasan penulis...
umpama bawang yang dikupas...
mungkin luarnya nampak buruk..tapi bila dikupas sedikit demi sedikit...
insyaAllah cantik isinya......
....kuberikan sekuntum bunga untuk dirimu...
Friday, October 16, 2009
...kecik ati aku...
aku harap sangat kau kasi respons bile berborak dengan ku..
namun dikau hanya senyap je...
aku tanye kau macam2 soalan..tapi ko senyap je...
bile aku pergi jauh dari mu...
dikau hanya lihat ku pergi...
bila ku datang dekat padamu..
tiada sambutan yang ceria darimu...
pandangan ku jadi putih aja....
mengapa mesti begini....
kau buat ku kecewa....
kecik hati aku....
mungkin hanya semburan ini dapat lebih menceriakan daku...
melihat wajahmu bertukar lebih indah...
mungkin kita dapat berbual bersama...
aku terpaksa...huhuhu....
*post ini hanya untuk orang yang bercakap dengan dinding( memang dinding pon yang aku maksudkan ni..jgn salah faham..)...bukan gila eh!!! hahaha....
namun dikau hanya senyap je...
aku tanye kau macam2 soalan..tapi ko senyap je...
bile aku pergi jauh dari mu...
dikau hanya lihat ku pergi...
bila ku datang dekat padamu..
tiada sambutan yang ceria darimu...
pandangan ku jadi putih aja....
mengapa mesti begini....
kau buat ku kecewa....
kecik hati aku....
mungkin hanya semburan ini dapat lebih menceriakan daku...
melihat wajahmu bertukar lebih indah...
mungkin kita dapat berbual bersama...
aku terpaksa...huhuhu....
*post ini hanya untuk orang yang bercakap dengan dinding( memang dinding pon yang aku maksudkan ni..jgn salah faham..)...bukan gila eh!!! hahaha....
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
...tie ed....
recently...i was so tired..slept early..
around 12.30 to 1.00 p.m...
i try to manage my time wisely...
coz i know i only have less than a month here...
so i wanna appreciate all my time here...
"kiss kiss bang bang sayounara cheer champ"...
wake up early...
take 30 minutes to jog out...
huhu..coz wanna maintain my body mass and size..huhu...
stay in college in the evening...
do a lot of questions...
read notes as many as i can...
hope my memory will be very good by the end of this course...
take more time when i pray...
even i sleep just about 6 hours...
i think it is enough...
how many hours do i need to spend for sleep ???
coz i know before this...
i spent too much time of my life on my luvly bed...( always slept)..
hope i can always be positive this time..
wanna beat my old 'shadow'..
wanna be better than others....
wanna tell every one that i'm one of the 'bestest' here..
"the more u give, the more u get'..
i believe in this quotation...
let's us make our pure dream together..
c'mon my dear...
recently...i was so tired..slept early..
around 12.30 to 1.00 p.m...
i try to manage my time wisely...
coz i know i only have less than a month here...
so i wanna appreciate all my time here...
"kiss kiss bang bang sayounara cheer champ"...
wake up early...
take 30 minutes to jog out...
huhu..coz wanna maintain my body mass and size..huhu...
stay in college in the evening...
do a lot of questions...
read notes as many as i can...
hope my memory will be very good by the end of this course...
take more time when i pray...
even i sleep just about 6 hours...
i think it is enough...
how many hours do i need to spend for sleep ???
coz i know before this...
i spent too much time of my life on my luvly bed...( always slept)..
hope i can always be positive this time..
wanna beat my old 'shadow'..
wanna be better than others....
wanna tell every one that i'm one of the 'bestest' here..
"the more u give, the more u get'..
i believe in this quotation...
let's us make our pure dream together..
c'mon my dear...
Monday, October 12, 2009
...kisah aku dan dia...
lama sungguh kita bersama...
kita saling memerlukan antara satu sama lain...
kehadiran mu amat bermakna dalam hidupku...
kau lah penyeri mata di hari-hari bosan ku...
kau sudi menemani ku sepanjang masa belajarku..
kau berikan ku motivasi untuk terus berusaha tatkala daku hilang upaya...
kau curahkan segala tatkala aku penat memaksa...
kau berikan segala yang dikau ada sampai penghabisannya...
namun kini...
pemergian mu amat ku rasa..
kehilangan mu amat menyentap hati dan perasaan ku...
sungguh terasa terkilan di jiwa...
mampukah aku mencari yang sedaya dan sehebat mu kelak???
mungkin tidak....
biarpun kaum mu beribu di dunia ini...
namun dikau tetap di kalbuku...
tetap istimewa bagiku....
terima kasih atas segalanya wahai dikau yang kucinta...
"habis madu sepah di buang"...
aku terpaksa melepaskanmu...
mencampakkanmu pergi dari hidupku...
namun...memori luka kita bersama tetap dijiwa...
sekali lagi kuucapkan terima kasih pada si pena bermata biru...
dakwatmu telah abis..terpaksa lah aku beli baru untuk menggantikanmu...
kita saling memerlukan antara satu sama lain...
kehadiran mu amat bermakna dalam hidupku...
kau lah penyeri mata di hari-hari bosan ku...
kau sudi menemani ku sepanjang masa belajarku..
kau berikan ku motivasi untuk terus berusaha tatkala daku hilang upaya...
kau curahkan segala tatkala aku penat memaksa...
kau berikan segala yang dikau ada sampai penghabisannya...
namun kini...
pemergian mu amat ku rasa..
kehilangan mu amat menyentap hati dan perasaan ku...
sungguh terasa terkilan di jiwa...
mampukah aku mencari yang sedaya dan sehebat mu kelak???
mungkin tidak....
biarpun kaum mu beribu di dunia ini...
namun dikau tetap di kalbuku...
tetap istimewa bagiku....
terima kasih atas segalanya wahai dikau yang kucinta...
"habis madu sepah di buang"...
aku terpaksa melepaskanmu...
mencampakkanmu pergi dari hidupku...
namun...memori luka kita bersama tetap dijiwa...
sekali lagi kuucapkan terima kasih pada si pena bermata biru...
dakwatmu telah abis..terpaksa lah aku beli baru untuk menggantikanmu...
Thursday, October 8, 2009
last reunion...
we were four...
today...just left three of us here...
4 best friends ever...
since 2003...
but now..
we start to make our own path...
ah chan, fareez, rifqi and me...
chan is already in bangalore,india rite now...
he went there yesterday at 10.11 p.m....
further his studies in medicine for about 5 years i think...
quite a memorable farewell i think..
coz there were also iqbal,aji and shera, came just to meet chan for the last time...
chan was very troublesome last nite...haha...
even though he always fly away to another countries , but this time, it was different to him..
not for holiday...but for his future...
he will spend 5 years there...
so it's not the same like before...
hope he can adapt lifestyle there and also focus on his course...
good luck chan!!! haha...
and now...
3 of us still in our own battle..our own war...
hope all of us can fly..insyaAllah...
( faris- SAM,medic,aussie , rifqi-JAD,japan,engineering , me-AUSMAT,engineering,aussie )..
we were four...
today...just left three of us here...
4 best friends ever...
since 2003...
but now..
we start to make our own path...
ah chan, fareez, rifqi and me...
chan is already in bangalore,india rite now...
he went there yesterday at 10.11 p.m....
further his studies in medicine for about 5 years i think...
quite a memorable farewell i think..
coz there were also iqbal,aji and shera, came just to meet chan for the last time...
chan was very troublesome last nite...haha...
even though he always fly away to another countries , but this time, it was different to him..
not for holiday...but for his future...
he will spend 5 years there...
so it's not the same like before...
hope he can adapt lifestyle there and also focus on his course...
good luck chan!!! haha...
and now...
3 of us still in our own battle..our own war...
hope all of us can fly..insyaAllah...
( faris- SAM,medic,aussie , rifqi-JAD,japan,engineering , me-AUSMAT,engineering,aussie )..
Monday, October 5, 2009
what say u??
ali itu..wa talipon wa punya kawan..
nama dia todak..wa tanya sama dia sebab wa tau yang dia ada kena accident..
itu hali masa laya woo...
'halo todak, apa macam?? lu ok ka tidak ma???' wa tanya dengan penuh concern..
'wa ok la..xteluk sangat la itu accident...tapi wo..wa manyak tension sama kita punya kawan.wa punya motor aa..lepas itu accident..kene tarik oo..wa pun xtau apa pasal..check punya check..wa dapat tau yang moto ni da x bayar lebih kulang 6 bulan nak tau x???' itu todak celita sama saya..
'ya3..wa nak tau..celita la lagi!!!' wa cakap balik.
'sebenarnya, itu moto wa bli atas nama ini budak kecik wo..(nama dirahsiakan,antara kenalan kami juga)..wa sangat percaya sama ini budak kecik..wa mintak dia bayarkan untuk wa...tapi..lupanya dia tarak bayar maa..chi sing!! wa manyak marah sama dia..hey..kalau lu la kat tempat mau wat apa sama in budak???' ayoyoyo...
wa?? allo mak..xtau la..ini kawan kita sudah kawan sama dia lebih kulang 5 tahun..sama sekolah..kalo kat skolah dulu, mau ini budak makan penumbuk maa.. tapi wa xtau nak cakap macam mana..kesian ini todak..dia xdapat nak bayar sebab dia belajar dekat shah alam..dia beli itu motor dekat johor..wa xtau la mau cakap ini kawan makan kawan atau kene tipu dek kawan..huhu..sadis3..
at last..wa kata sama settle baek2 la sama itu budak..jgn la kasi makan lu punya penumbuk...pandai2 la..wa xtau nak cakap apa sgt..sebab wa pon xpenah kene macam tu..tapi yang wa sedih..ada jugak member mau buat sama kita macam tu ya..hish3...
nama dia todak..wa tanya sama dia sebab wa tau yang dia ada kena accident..
itu hali masa laya woo...
'halo todak, apa macam?? lu ok ka tidak ma???' wa tanya dengan penuh concern..
'wa ok la..xteluk sangat la itu accident...tapi wo..wa manyak tension sama kita punya kawan.wa punya motor aa..lepas itu accident..kene tarik oo..wa pun xtau apa pasal..check punya check..wa dapat tau yang moto ni da x bayar lebih kulang 6 bulan nak tau x???' itu todak celita sama saya..
'ya3..wa nak tau..celita la lagi!!!' wa cakap balik.
'sebenarnya, itu moto wa bli atas nama ini budak kecik wo..(nama dirahsiakan,antara kenalan kami juga)..wa sangat percaya sama ini budak kecik..wa mintak dia bayarkan untuk wa...tapi..lupanya dia tarak bayar maa..chi sing!! wa manyak marah sama dia..hey..kalau lu la kat tempat mau wat apa sama in budak???' ayoyoyo...
wa?? allo mak..xtau la..ini kawan kita sudah kawan sama dia lebih kulang 5 tahun..sama sekolah..kalo kat skolah dulu, mau ini budak makan penumbuk maa.. tapi wa xtau nak cakap macam mana..kesian ini todak..dia xdapat nak bayar sebab dia belajar dekat shah alam..dia beli itu motor dekat johor..wa xtau la mau cakap ini kawan makan kawan atau kene tipu dek kawan..huhu..sadis3..
at last..wa kata sama settle baek2 la sama itu budak..jgn la kasi makan lu punya penumbuk...pandai2 la..wa xtau nak cakap apa sgt..sebab wa pon xpenah kene macam tu..tapi yang wa sedih..ada jugak member mau buat sama kita macam tu ya..hish3...
Friday, October 2, 2009
...need to be done...
what is it??
need to be done???
yeah!!!... i think the time is coming...
do not know who is running or who is chasing....
it is between time and myself...
i only got about one month to go..
before i graduate here...before i leave KBU...
before i know the result...
before i know where am i going to head on???
therefore..something need to be done...
but..what should i do???
study from night until early morning?? burn my midnight oil???
study hard and smart??? can i do this again like before??'s challenging at all....
after all...i think this time it should be possible for me to pass through..
i only take 5 subjects not 10 subjects when i was in secondary school...
if 10 subjects i could make why not this bloody 5??
hmm...the time constraint really makes me sick...
and my leg is already 'broken' again..hahaha...
i still..
still in hari raya mode yet...
do not have any feeling or enthusiastic to start my revision...
even i know there is no more wifi in our house...
coz they already cut it...purposely for our exam's preparation..
so everyone of us can "happily" focus more in our study...
but...the problem is...seems like everyone get 'culture shock' with this new approach..
"facebook" is their life..i think...haha..( like a worm sit in a hot oven)...
argh..whatever....what happen around me, i don't care...
should find my own way to cope this one month 'pressure'....
i must survive like a gladiator who can kill a big lion...
i must work harder like when mickey mouse want to buy a car and a house for minnie...
i must be more confidence like jenson button when he starts his winning car's engine...
and i must be happy like ryan giggs when he scores a goal in his older day(go MU!!!)...hehe...
there is something need to be done..
in myself...
in this heart...(kokoro)
need to be done???
yeah!!!... i think the time is coming...
do not know who is running or who is chasing....
it is between time and myself...
i only got about one month to go..
before i graduate here...before i leave KBU...
before i know the result...
before i know where am i going to head on???
therefore..something need to be done...
but..what should i do???
study from night until early morning?? burn my midnight oil???
study hard and smart??? can i do this again like before??'s challenging at all....
after all...i think this time it should be possible for me to pass through..
i only take 5 subjects not 10 subjects when i was in secondary school...
if 10 subjects i could make why not this bloody 5??
hmm...the time constraint really makes me sick...
and my leg is already 'broken' again..hahaha...
i still..
still in hari raya mode yet...
do not have any feeling or enthusiastic to start my revision...
even i know there is no more wifi in our house...
coz they already cut it...purposely for our exam's preparation..
so everyone of us can "happily" focus more in our study...
but...the problem is...seems like everyone get 'culture shock' with this new approach..
"facebook" is their life..i think...haha..( like a worm sit in a hot oven)...
argh..whatever....what happen around me, i don't care...
should find my own way to cope this one month 'pressure'....
i must survive like a gladiator who can kill a big lion...
i must work harder like when mickey mouse want to buy a car and a house for minnie...
i must be more confidence like jenson button when he starts his winning car's engine...
and i must be happy like ryan giggs when he scores a goal in his older day(go MU!!!)...hehe...
there is something need to be done..
in myself...
in this heart...(kokoro)
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
dila's open house...
hmm...just came back from dengkil..
went to dila's open house for hari raya aidilfitri..
with iman and rifqi...
a lot of guests..
a lot of food..
and also uma...
huh!!! uma?? nandesuka??? malay we called it as "kuda" and in english "horse"..
i thought dila was just lied to me before when she said that she has a horse farm..
i never believed...
but then...
when i was there...
yeah...that's true...all of 'em are quite cute to touch...hehe...
so..we also took the advantages to take their pictures together...
we are friends babe..haha.. was a good ceremony for dila..bcoz she will be flying to jordan this friday morning..
not friday night yeah..haha...k..
see yeah...daa...
i'm here again..
about a month i was away from my lappy..
to update my little cute blog...
so..this morning...
i got a very much little time to manage my blog for a while...
so..before that...
i just wanna wish selamat hari raya and maaf zahir batin to all muslims in this world and also malaysians and those who know me...
hope this time, all of us enjoy our raya with our family members,friends and the one we love...
so...what should i write about now??
hmmm...actually, this morning...
my kbu's friends and i will sit our eald oral examination...
our examiners are australians..and they will ask us the questions directly, live from australia..
and we'll answer from malaysia..
it's same kind of thing that we do ym or skype..
but this one is quite modern i think...
hehe..we are just lucky coz we are the first batch..(always)...
the most important thing is i can answer all the questions well and not just look at the computer..
what the hell am i writin about huh??
raya3 la....i am going to sepang this afternoon with rifqi and iman...
we will go to our friend's open will be miss fatin adilah's house..
still raya maa...and my classes will start next week..
dakkara, jikang ga aru ne...raya3....wanna collect 'duet raya'..huhuhu....
ok...see again yeah...happy hari raya to all again..miss u all..muah3...
about a month i was away from my lappy..
to update my little cute blog...
so..this morning...
i got a very much little time to manage my blog for a while...
so..before that...
i just wanna wish selamat hari raya and maaf zahir batin to all muslims in this world and also malaysians and those who know me...
hope this time, all of us enjoy our raya with our family members,friends and the one we love...
so...what should i write about now??
hmmm...actually, this morning...
my kbu's friends and i will sit our eald oral examination...
our examiners are australians..and they will ask us the questions directly, live from australia..
and we'll answer from malaysia..
it's same kind of thing that we do ym or skype..
but this one is quite modern i think...
hehe..we are just lucky coz we are the first batch..(always)...
the most important thing is i can answer all the questions well and not just look at the computer..
what the hell am i writin about huh??
raya3 la....i am going to sepang this afternoon with rifqi and iman...
we will go to our friend's open will be miss fatin adilah's house..
still raya maa...and my classes will start next week..
dakkara, jikang ga aru ne...raya3....wanna collect 'duet raya'..huhuhu....
ok...see again yeah...happy hari raya to all again..miss u all..muah3...
Saturday, August 29, 2009
lega seketika..
minggu ni abes ngn gembira...
chemistry test..beres..ade ar blank sket..
applicable math senang plak rasenye..hrp2 score ler...
physics test...alhamdulillah...
calculus test?? cukup makan je...
anta along p klia...sampai gak aku kat sane..even balik terpakse redah ujan..nak demam rasenye..
ape nak wat malam ni??
huhu..tengok "UP" la..kat OU..lame plak rasenye x p OU..OU depan tu je..haha...
next week..
blur...arghh..calculus TEE 2008..kene wat...nak mock ni...
penat ni seketika je..
yang penting result tu je...huhu...
dengan kedatangan Ramadhan ni..hati rase tenang je nak study...
even xde ar study sgt...yang penting sume masuk pale ni...
balik kampung la...nak p melake plak ahad ni...
selamat menyambut hari merdeka 31 ogos ni..huhu..
minggu ni abes ngn gembira...
chemistry test..beres..ade ar blank sket..
applicable math senang plak rasenye..hrp2 score ler...
physics test...alhamdulillah...
calculus test?? cukup makan je...
anta along p klia...sampai gak aku kat sane..even balik terpakse redah ujan..nak demam rasenye..
ape nak wat malam ni??
huhu..tengok "UP" la..kat OU..lame plak rasenye x p OU..OU depan tu je..haha...
next week..
blur...arghh..calculus TEE 2008..kene wat...nak mock ni...
penat ni seketika je..
yang penting result tu je...huhu...
dengan kedatangan Ramadhan ni..hati rase tenang je nak study...
even xde ar study sgt...yang penting sume masuk pale ni...
balik kampung la...nak p melake plak ahad ni...
selamat menyambut hari merdeka 31 ogos ni..huhu..
Sunday, August 23, 2009
...kembalinye semula..
lip lap lip lup..
alik2 da bulan ramadhan balik..
ku rasakan baru sahaja menyambut raya...
alik2 da ramadhan semula...
sesungguhnya bulan ini dipenuhi dengan kerahmatan dan keberkatan..
dikatakan 10 hari yang pertama itu dipenuhi dengan kerahmatan..
dan sesungguhnya pahala mengerjakan ibadat pada bulan ramadhan berlipat kali ganda..
bila ramadhan kembali berlabuh sebentar..
maka ramailah umat Islam berlumba-lumba untuk mengerjakan ibadah..
dan sebolehnya meninggalkan segala jenis kemaksiatan..
itulah kehebatan ramadhan..
sesungguhnya kita tahu yang Allah telah merantai syaitan2 agar xberkeliaran pada bulan ini..
untuk menunjukkan kemuliaannya dari segala perbuatan jahat...
diri ini rase bersyukur yang teramat sangat kerana Allah SWT memberikan peluang sekali lagi untuk mengerjakan puasa di bulan ramadhan..
dan marilah kite bersama-sama meningkatkan amalan kite...
pokoknye kita ikhlas mengerjakannya..
janganlah hanya kita bersungguh lakukannya pada bulan ramadhan sahaja...
kalau boleh untuk selama-lamanya..
slm sejahtera..
alik2 da bulan ramadhan balik..
ku rasakan baru sahaja menyambut raya...
alik2 da ramadhan semula...
sesungguhnya bulan ini dipenuhi dengan kerahmatan dan keberkatan..
dikatakan 10 hari yang pertama itu dipenuhi dengan kerahmatan..
dan sesungguhnya pahala mengerjakan ibadat pada bulan ramadhan berlipat kali ganda..
bila ramadhan kembali berlabuh sebentar..
maka ramailah umat Islam berlumba-lumba untuk mengerjakan ibadah..
dan sebolehnya meninggalkan segala jenis kemaksiatan..
itulah kehebatan ramadhan..
sesungguhnya kita tahu yang Allah telah merantai syaitan2 agar xberkeliaran pada bulan ini..
untuk menunjukkan kemuliaannya dari segala perbuatan jahat...
diri ini rase bersyukur yang teramat sangat kerana Allah SWT memberikan peluang sekali lagi untuk mengerjakan puasa di bulan ramadhan..
dan marilah kite bersama-sama meningkatkan amalan kite...
pokoknye kita ikhlas mengerjakannya..
janganlah hanya kita bersungguh lakukannya pada bulan ramadhan sahaja...
kalau boleh untuk selama-lamanya..
slm sejahtera..
Friday, August 21, 2009
cross over the sea..
da jd musim ngn trend..
sorang2 daripada kite akan fly..
ke mane dan siape??
ke mane mane la...
dan kepada sume yang dapat tajaan ar..huhu...
saat ku pon akan tibe..
ku berharap sangat..
insya Allah...
mase akan menentu kan..
diri ini cuma memiliki tidak sampai 3 bulan lagi untuk survive..
bersama sama rakanku yang laen..
dan bumi australia akan ku jejak februari depan..
dalam beberapa minggu ni..xdapat la ku balik kampong..
exam la...
test la..oral la..
assignment ar..
da nak abes da..kene kuat sikit..
insyaAllah..the more u give
the more u get..
gud luck to all..
let's us cross over the sea...hahaha..
da jd musim ngn trend..
sorang2 daripada kite akan fly..
ke mane dan siape??
ke mane mane la...
dan kepada sume yang dapat tajaan ar..huhu...
saat ku pon akan tibe..
ku berharap sangat..
insya Allah...
mase akan menentu kan..
diri ini cuma memiliki tidak sampai 3 bulan lagi untuk survive..
bersama sama rakanku yang laen..
dan bumi australia akan ku jejak februari depan..
dalam beberapa minggu ni..xdapat la ku balik kampong..
exam la...
test la..oral la..
assignment ar..
da nak abes da..kene kuat sikit..
insyaAllah..the more u give
the more u get..
gud luck to all..
let's us cross over the sea...hahaha..
Sunday, August 9, 2009
ari ni target ku mudah...tapi meletihkan...
nak g majlis kat umah maro kat seremban...
kawan aku kat sdar dulu...
die nak fly g bali...indon...
20hb ni..kol 9 pagi lak tu..
so..oleh kerana xdapat nak anta..
aku ngn member2 aku pon g ar umah die..
dari shah alam sampai paroi seremban...
naek motor beb...
penat sei..
yang perginye..
aku..todak..rifqi..n nana...
huhu..nana da tambah berat sket..
todak ni pon satu..
bli skuter..tapi bawak 6o km/j je...
penat aku tggu die...
xpe2...setelah 1 jam setengah...
sampai gak seremban...huhu...
then...xteros g umah maro...jom p makan cendol leman dawi dulu..
best3....tibai cendol pulut...baru rm1.50..tu pon todak blanje kot..hik3...
bayar sekali tambah berapa aku..umah maro xsampai lagi..
pas selesai..straight g paroi...yosh...makan best maaa...
lame x g kenduri...hehe...ade ikan bawal masak sweetsour..udang sambal...daging gulai..
n ape lagi ntah..lupe..yang penting kenyang..
then...borak2..baru tau yang budak sdar ade 3 orang g indon..batch aku ler..
sorang namenye munzir@murai,sorang lagi namenye faiz@dugong..
haha...murai kudengar dapat ukrida...duke plak aku
yang penting diorang blaja sungguh2..yosh...
family maro still ingat aku lagi..thanx coz layan kitorang baek2...huhu..
then..balik la kite...
before that...aku ajak todak n qari2 g bli keitai denwa dulu kat plaza alam sentral..huhu..
dapat gak satu...
"okane ga attara, atarashii keitai denwa o kaimasu"...
k..da sampai BU pon...pnt..nak rehat..slm..

nak g majlis kat umah maro kat seremban...
kawan aku kat sdar dulu...
die nak fly g bali...indon...
20hb ni..kol 9 pagi lak tu..
so..oleh kerana xdapat nak anta..
aku ngn member2 aku pon g ar umah die..
dari shah alam sampai paroi seremban...
naek motor beb...
penat sei..
yang perginye..
aku..todak..rifqi..n nana...
huhu..nana da tambah berat sket..
todak ni pon satu..
bli skuter..tapi bawak 6o km/j je...
penat aku tggu die...
xpe2...setelah 1 jam setengah...
sampai gak seremban...huhu...
then...xteros g umah maro...jom p makan cendol leman dawi dulu..
best3....tibai cendol pulut...baru rm1.50..tu pon todak blanje kot..hik3...
bayar sekali tambah berapa aku..umah maro xsampai lagi..
pas selesai..straight g paroi...yosh...makan best maaa...
lame x g kenduri...hehe...ade ikan bawal masak sweetsour..udang sambal...daging gulai..
n ape lagi ntah..lupe..yang penting kenyang..
then...borak2..baru tau yang budak sdar ade 3 orang g indon..batch aku ler..
sorang namenye munzir@murai,sorang lagi namenye faiz@dugong..
haha...murai kudengar dapat ukrida...duke plak aku
yang penting diorang blaja sungguh2..yosh...
family maro still ingat aku lagi..thanx coz layan kitorang baek2...huhu..
then..balik la kite...
before that...aku ajak todak n qari2 g bli keitai denwa dulu kat plaza alam sentral..huhu..
dapat gak satu...
"okane ga attara, atarashii keitai denwa o kaimasu"...
k..da sampai BU pon...pnt..nak rehat..slm..
Saturday, August 8, 2009
it comes back again..
after 1 and a half years..
once you break you knee..
you know la...
difficult to move...
and do everything what u like...
still suffering..
is this gonna be permanent in my life??
yesterday i heard what i heard one n half years ago..
the "crack" ...
i don't deserve to be like this...
i wanna jump high..
i wanna run fast..
i wanna play rugby..
and badminton..huhu...
rehabilitation?? perhaps...
matteru ne...
i will be back...uhuhu...
after 1 and a half years..
once you break you knee..
you know la...
difficult to move...
and do everything what u like...
still suffering..
is this gonna be permanent in my life??
yesterday i heard what i heard one n half years ago..
the "crack" ...
i don't deserve to be like this...
i wanna jump high..
i wanna run fast..
i wanna play rugby..
and badminton..huhu...
rehabilitation?? perhaps...
matteru ne...
i will be back...uhuhu...
Friday, August 7, 2009
budak-budak skang...
ade la baru-baru ni ku melepak di tepi taman bersama rakan-rakan...
baru ku perasan...
ramai jugak bebudak maen kat taman ni..
ade yang lari sane lari sini..
ade yang maen beskal..
ade yang men kejar2...
maen roller blade pon ade..
tapi yang kompem2 maen kat playground ar...
tu semestinye...
tapi ku mengeluh juga...
"rugi diorang yek"...
bukan pe...
ku masih ingat waktu ku kecik2 dulu..
maen jugak petang2..
tapi lagi manyak bende la aku maen...
ingat lagi maen ape ntah..
tapi yang kompem2 banyak la kene nyanyi..
yang ni aku ingat lagi...
semua beratur panjang sampai belakang..
ku rase tu sume jadi kambeng kot xsilap la...
pastu ade datok harimau...
nyanyi la ramai2..
"pukol berapa datok harimau" (yang aku ingat ler)
pastu yang jadi datok rimau pon jawab la...
rimau bleh jawab...tau waktu plak tu..memang pandai datok rimau ni..haha...
mase kecik juga..ku x ingat pe bende yang ku maen ni...
tapi lagunye berbunyi begini..
"jan jan jala itik terjala anak ayam..berapa lubang kancil..seratos lima puluh"
mende nye game ar..yang ku tu...
nak pilih geng pon kene nyanyi kan???
"lat tali lat lali tamplom"
lebey kurang jang keng pom versi jepon laa...
"shoushuagu, jang keng pom, aikudesho...achimete hooiii"..
senang cter...
mase kecik2 dulu..
sambil maen..nek moyang kite ajar menyanyi gak....
ade unsur2 moral disitu kalo kite menghayati lagu2 tersebut...
ape2 pon..xleh lawan ar ngn budak2 skang,...
diorang sume dapat..
cakap je ape ko nak..
pistol air?? kete kayuh tu?? senapang mainan?? sume ada..haha...
mmg berbeda la antara zaman ku dengan zaman skang..
ape2 pon..
yang penting..tujuan utama memberi anak2 maen kat taman ialah...
biar diorang ade kawan n jadi aktif...
takut nnt terperuk je kat umah dan xtau pe nak buat..
biar la die rase penat berlari..kot jatuh pon xpe...
at least rase gak ar saket...huhu...
eh...macam pakar kanak2 plak aku ni..
k la..
mau bersantai...salam....
baru ku perasan...
ramai jugak bebudak maen kat taman ni..
ade yang lari sane lari sini..
ade yang maen beskal..
ade yang men kejar2...
maen roller blade pon ade..
tapi yang kompem2 maen kat playground ar...
tu semestinye...
tapi ku mengeluh juga...
"rugi diorang yek"...
bukan pe...
ku masih ingat waktu ku kecik2 dulu..
maen jugak petang2..
tapi lagi manyak bende la aku maen...
ingat lagi maen ape ntah..
tapi yang kompem2 banyak la kene nyanyi..
yang ni aku ingat lagi...
semua beratur panjang sampai belakang..
ku rase tu sume jadi kambeng kot xsilap la...
pastu ade datok harimau...
nyanyi la ramai2..
"pukol berapa datok harimau" (yang aku ingat ler)
pastu yang jadi datok rimau pon jawab la...
rimau bleh jawab...tau waktu plak tu..memang pandai datok rimau ni..haha...
mase kecik juga..ku x ingat pe bende yang ku maen ni...
tapi lagunye berbunyi begini..
"jan jan jala itik terjala anak ayam..berapa lubang kancil..seratos lima puluh"
mende nye game ar..yang ku tu...
nak pilih geng pon kene nyanyi kan???
"lat tali lat lali tamplom"
lebey kurang jang keng pom versi jepon laa...
"shoushuagu, jang keng pom, aikudesho...achimete hooiii"..
senang cter...
mase kecik2 dulu..
sambil maen..nek moyang kite ajar menyanyi gak....
ade unsur2 moral disitu kalo kite menghayati lagu2 tersebut...
ape2 pon..xleh lawan ar ngn budak2 skang,...
diorang sume dapat..
cakap je ape ko nak..
pistol air?? kete kayuh tu?? senapang mainan?? sume ada..haha...
mmg berbeda la antara zaman ku dengan zaman skang..
ape2 pon..
yang penting..tujuan utama memberi anak2 maen kat taman ialah...
biar diorang ade kawan n jadi aktif...
takut nnt terperuk je kat umah dan xtau pe nak buat..
biar la die rase penat berlari..kot jatuh pon xpe...
at least rase gak ar saket...huhu...
eh...macam pakar kanak2 plak aku ni..
k la..
mau bersantai...salam....
Thursday, August 6, 2009
close the the new...
now..let's us begin the new chapter of our life...
nisfu syaaban...
it's good to recite surah yasin with friends and pray for what we want...
forget and learn from the past..
then start the new one...
life goes on...
more hurdles we need to jump..
we need to run...
n pass all of 'em...
if we fail..keep going on and try again...
pray..pray,pray and try harder..
with Allah bless...
insyaAllah we can...
life is full with surprise..
only we..
the one who can face it..
whether we shock..faint...cry..or happy...
it's us...
gud luck yeah...
.....k...nyte....already 3 a.m..
now..let's us begin the new chapter of our life...
nisfu syaaban...
it's good to recite surah yasin with friends and pray for what we want...
forget and learn from the past..
then start the new one...
life goes on...
more hurdles we need to jump..
we need to run...
n pass all of 'em...
if we fail..keep going on and try again...
pray..pray,pray and try harder..
with Allah bless...
insyaAllah we can...
life is full with surprise..
only we..
the one who can face it..
whether we shock..faint...cry..or happy...
it's us...
gud luck yeah...
.....k...nyte....already 3 a.m..
Saturday, August 1, 2009
ayoyo..i just came back from klcc..
hang out with my best friends..
chan zal n reef...
helped chan to buy external hard disk...
there were so many people..
too crowded...
n i also coincidentally met my teacher..miss mardiana at kinokuniya n also 'aisyah san..
just had a very little conversation with 'em coz i was rushing to have a lunch n also harry porter..
had lunch with maro, finie and farah cecilia (ypm)...
i was so surprised when my lunch set was so expensive..
rm 10 maaa...
i just took a white rice, 3 prawns, yasai n dunno that little thing...
rm10....what the heck??? haha...
reefqi just laughed at me...
based on maro's info..
he will fly to indon on this coming 20th august...
at around 9 early maa...
hmm...i just thinking sumting..can i send him??? i have class...
perhaps not..
just wanna wish gud luck to him...hope can see him again...
then cecilia is still like before...
haha...asking me to buy her sundae ice cream..haha...not today...gomen ne...
next time...
then...we enjoyed watching harry porter..haha...quite nice...n fun...
after's ice blended time...
we attacked coffee bean..that was the first time in my life...
i blended..muahahaha...
after solat..last thing to have a dinner...hmmm..this time i ate pasta...mushroom i thought..
i really like the meat nice to eat..ahaha...
n then...we dismissed...
>>oh forgot..also had a nice conversation with suki and haslini..<<
went back with my housemate...fahmi, aizat n izat...
i think..this is the last time for me to go out...
after this..i'm going to make my life busier and busier...
want to perform well n go to australia to further my study...
hope God bless me...
jya na...
hang out with my best friends..
chan zal n reef...
helped chan to buy external hard disk...
there were so many people..
too crowded...
n i also coincidentally met my teacher..miss mardiana at kinokuniya n also 'aisyah san..
just had a very little conversation with 'em coz i was rushing to have a lunch n also harry porter..
had lunch with maro, finie and farah cecilia (ypm)...
i was so surprised when my lunch set was so expensive..
rm 10 maaa...
i just took a white rice, 3 prawns, yasai n dunno that little thing...
rm10....what the heck??? haha...
reefqi just laughed at me...
based on maro's info..
he will fly to indon on this coming 20th august...
at around 9 early maa...
hmm...i just thinking sumting..can i send him??? i have class...
perhaps not..
just wanna wish gud luck to him...hope can see him again...
then cecilia is still like before...
haha...asking me to buy her sundae ice cream..haha...not today...gomen ne...
next time...
then...we enjoyed watching harry porter..haha...quite nice...n fun...
after's ice blended time...
we attacked coffee bean..that was the first time in my life...
i blended..muahahaha...
after solat..last thing to have a dinner...hmmm..this time i ate pasta...mushroom i thought..
i really like the meat nice to eat..ahaha...
n then...we dismissed...
>>oh forgot..also had a nice conversation with suki and haslini..<<
went back with my housemate...fahmi, aizat n izat...
i think..this is the last time for me to go out...
after this..i'm going to make my life busier and busier...
want to perform well n go to australia to further my study...
hope God bless me...
jya na...
Friday, July 17, 2009
nak balikkkk..huhu...
skang ni musim rambutan pulak....
huhu..pastu may be musim buah mata kucing plak...
lapar nye nak makan buah-buahan kampung...huhu..
nak balikkkk....
skang ni musim rambutan pulak....
huhu..pastu may be musim buah mata kucing plak...
lapar nye nak makan buah-buahan kampung...huhu..
nak balikkkk....
Monday, July 13, 2009
...sunday's trip...
6.30 a.m.- i wake up...oh it's too early..slept again..
8.30 a.m.- aiiyaa...i'am hungry..went out to find nasi lemak..hmm..ttdi lar...yummie...
9.00 a.m.-watched densha otoko first..
10.00a.m.- ok..i wanna take my bath...
10.15a.m.- guys..let's move now..if not we'll miss our bus!!!
10.25a.m.- where are fahmi and mus?? aiiya...our tickets were at 'em..@#$%#...
10.30a.m.- finally they came and we started our journey...hohoho...
11.30a.m.-aiiyaa...why this place is too high??? i wanna faint...i got headache...arghh...
11.35a.m.- finally..we'..served he right...
11.45a.m.- mus...i wanna buy a sweater..s really cold...mus didn't bring his sweater..he thought that genting is not cold like before..heheaiiyaa...hehe..where we can find it?? let's check it out...
12.30p.m.-i don't want..ok...let's go to skyway...huh??? why they brought us to the bus again???
the bus conductor said"hey, why all of u didn't go and play at the theme park??""
"huh!!!!" we don't understand...what the hell is going on??? argh..we play first..then
we think this problem later yeah...haha...
12.45.p.m.- we come...which one should we play first?? argh..the queue was so long....argh..whatever...let's play all..haha...
2.30p.m.- mus"guys,it's really cold...could we go and buy a sweater first??" ok..but fahmi and i wanna that up so high and go down fast thing..we played...arghh..nanny...we couldn't's so fast, extremely high..we were afraid..i don't wanna die yet..please...
3.30p.m.-guys..hungry..hungry..hungry...ah..there was a mary brown..shall we?? ok...let's go..
4.00p.m.- are u tired?? not's go kart time..huhu...and a swing ship...aizat got trauma!!!! "i don't wanna play that thing anymore...don't want!!!" haha...
6.30p.m.-hmmm..what should we do now?? it's too cold to stay outside..indoor theme park?? yeahh..ok... guys...i don't know where we are going to take our bus..u?? i don't know too...skyway??? hmmm..shall we try again??? yeap...
7.15p.m.- fahmi!!! why we take skyway?? dunno...that brother asked us to take skyway lar....
arghh!!! i don't get it...where is the bus terminal?? are we going to loss??? perhaps...
7.20p.m.- i'am afraid again!!!!-aizat...he's so trauma...don't wanna look down...(on a skyway ride)'s amazing!!! the sun..and the scenery at that moment..huhu...i like it...
8.00p.m.- finally we knew where should we take our bus...hungry...what?? why so expensive???
don't want...ok..fahmi..let's we buy papa roti up there..ok...haha..nyum3...
8.30p.m.- ok..papaii genting..if u wanna die..go to genting yeah!!! haha....
here are the pixs...

8.30 a.m.- aiiyaa...i'am hungry..went out to find nasi lemak..hmm..ttdi lar...yummie...
9.00 a.m.-watched densha otoko first..
10.00a.m.- ok..i wanna take my bath...
10.15a.m.- guys..let's move now..if not we'll miss our bus!!!
10.25a.m.- where are fahmi and mus?? aiiya...our tickets were at 'em..@#$%#...
10.30a.m.- finally they came and we started our journey...hohoho...
11.30a.m.-aiiyaa...why this place is too high??? i wanna faint...i got headache...arghh...
11.35a.m.- finally..we'..served he right...
11.45a.m.- mus...i wanna buy a sweater..s really cold...mus didn't bring his sweater..he thought that genting is not cold like before..heheaiiyaa...hehe..where we can find it?? let's check it out...
12.30p.m.-i don't want..ok...let's go to skyway...huh??? why they brought us to the bus again???
the bus conductor said"hey, why all of u didn't go and play at the theme park??""
"huh!!!!" we don't understand...what the hell is going on??? argh..we play first..then
we think this problem later yeah...haha...
12.45.p.m.- we come...which one should we play first?? argh..the queue was so long....argh..whatever...let's play all..haha...
2.30p.m.- mus"guys,it's really cold...could we go and buy a sweater first??" ok..but fahmi and i wanna that up so high and go down fast thing..we played...arghh..nanny...we couldn't's so fast, extremely high..we were afraid..i don't wanna die yet..please...
3.30p.m.-guys..hungry..hungry..hungry...ah..there was a mary brown..shall we?? ok...let's go..
4.00p.m.- are u tired?? not's go kart time..huhu...and a swing ship...aizat got trauma!!!! "i don't wanna play that thing anymore...don't want!!!" haha...
6.30p.m.-hmmm..what should we do now?? it's too cold to stay outside..indoor theme park?? yeahh..ok... guys...i don't know where we are going to take our bus..u?? i don't know too...skyway??? hmmm..shall we try again??? yeap...
7.15p.m.- fahmi!!! why we take skyway?? dunno...that brother asked us to take skyway lar....
arghh!!! i don't get it...where is the bus terminal?? are we going to loss??? perhaps...
7.20p.m.- i'am afraid again!!!!-aizat...he's so trauma...don't wanna look down...(on a skyway ride)'s amazing!!! the sun..and the scenery at that moment..huhu...i like it...
8.00p.m.- finally we knew where should we take our bus...hungry...what?? why so expensive???
don't want...ok..fahmi..let's we buy papa roti up there..ok...haha..nyum3...
8.30p.m.- ok..papaii genting..if u wanna die..go to genting yeah!!! haha....
here are the pixs...
Sunday, July 12, 2009
i sat on a bench...
in the garden....
it was a very beautiful morning...
the wind blew softly....very cool and pleasant...
i heard a song...from a cute animal...
that we called them 'birds'...
i saw 'em....
they were flying freely...happily...
up and down...
to the east...
and to the west...
no worried at all....
i also wanna be like 'em...
feel very hepi...
all the time...
wanna do what i want...
don't wanna be sad anymore..
lonely anymore...
i should feel free like 'em...
don't wanna make my self trap...
in my own prison...
in my own cage..
i wanna fly high...
and high....
like 'em....
birds are awe-inspiring...
they have a very great determination...
a very great and strong heart...
to face all the challenges...
they know how to make their own nest..
even nobody teach them...
they know how to feed their 'child'
even nobody teach them...
they know how to travel go and back to the same place...
even nobody teach them...
what's the coordinate or way should they take to travel...
yet...they reach that place...
the same place....
they do not get lost...
they reach...
does it mean that birds are better than a pilot???
pilot needs radar to fly the plane...needs all the coordinates to travel...
how about birds???
do they???
that's why i wanna be like 'em...
fly everywhere that i want...
yet..i still know my way to return home...
still remember my root...
still remember my history...
birds are amazing!!!
thanks Allah SWT coz created them..
in the garden....
it was a very beautiful morning...
the wind blew softly....very cool and pleasant...
i heard a song...from a cute animal...
that we called them 'birds'...
i saw 'em....
they were flying freely...happily...
up and down...
to the east...
and to the west...
no worried at all....
i also wanna be like 'em...
feel very hepi...
all the time...
wanna do what i want...
don't wanna be sad anymore..
lonely anymore...
i should feel free like 'em...
don't wanna make my self trap...
in my own prison...
in my own cage..
i wanna fly high...
and high....
like 'em....
birds are awe-inspiring...
they have a very great determination...
a very great and strong heart...
to face all the challenges...
they know how to make their own nest..
even nobody teach them...
they know how to feed their 'child'
even nobody teach them...
they know how to travel go and back to the same place...
even nobody teach them...
what's the coordinate or way should they take to travel...
yet...they reach that place...
the same place....
they do not get lost...
they reach...
does it mean that birds are better than a pilot???
pilot needs radar to fly the plane...needs all the coordinates to travel...
how about birds???
do they???
that's why i wanna be like 'em...
fly everywhere that i want...
yet..i still know my way to return home...
still remember my root...
still remember my history...
birds are amazing!!!
thanks Allah SWT coz created them..
Friday, July 10, 2009
today..i already made my decision...
about my future...n..i decided to further my study...
in mechanical engineering...
i chose University of New South Wales(UNSW), Uni of Western Aussie(UWA), Uni of Adelaide,Curtin Technology, RMIT, Wollongong and Uni of Sydney...
i really hope that they will accept my application...
other than mechanical...
i also chose to major in automotive, petroleum, mechatronics and environmental...
environmental engineering???
how come???
actually i dunno...
bcoz just watched 'The 11th hour' and 'The Inconvenient Truth'...
at the beginning...
before this..i wished to be an aeronautical engineer...
i told all my friends about my ambition...
after did some researches and asked opinions from senpai...
i changed my mind...
n i'm gonna study mechanical...
n i still wish to work among the aeronautical day..
best of luck to all my friends...
hope we gonna be there next year...
today..i already made my decision...
about my future...n..i decided to further my study...
in mechanical engineering...
i chose University of New South Wales(UNSW), Uni of Western Aussie(UWA), Uni of Adelaide,Curtin Technology, RMIT, Wollongong and Uni of Sydney...
i really hope that they will accept my application...
other than mechanical...
i also chose to major in automotive, petroleum, mechatronics and environmental...
environmental engineering???
how come???
actually i dunno...
bcoz just watched 'The 11th hour' and 'The Inconvenient Truth'...
at the beginning...
before this..i wished to be an aeronautical engineer...
i told all my friends about my ambition...
after did some researches and asked opinions from senpai...
i changed my mind...
n i'm gonna study mechanical...
n i still wish to work among the aeronautical day..
best of luck to all my friends...
hope we gonna be there next year...
Sunday, July 5, 2009
betol ke??
huhu..aku xtau la..betol ke??
cikgu zainah cakap aku nampak cam budak nakal???
adoiiyaii..nakal sangat ke aku??sampai cikgu zainah kenekan aku kat hm.. la aku..camni je..
mase skolah dulu mmg la kene smart2..kane tuck in..kan fareez??
haha..ape2 pon..xkesah la...
fareez cikgu zainah cakap still nampak same..
ah chan aku xingat..
yang aku tau..cola ngn syahiran die cakap comel..
kudung yang xde pon die puji gak...
arghhh!!!! xleh trime..haha....
gazara adeng apai ngan hatta die cakap..
da bleh buat team bunkface sebab rambut diorang..haha..lawak2...
ape2 pon..tu la cikgu aku..
sentiasa senang bergurau senda ngn kitorang..cyg cikgu..k la...
wa mau tdo..ngntok...
jya na...
cikgu zainah cakap aku nampak cam budak nakal???
adoiiyaii..nakal sangat ke aku??sampai cikgu zainah kenekan aku kat hm.. la aku..camni je..
mase skolah dulu mmg la kene smart2..kane tuck in..kan fareez??
haha..ape2 pon..xkesah la...
fareez cikgu zainah cakap still nampak same..
ah chan aku xingat..
yang aku tau..cola ngn syahiran die cakap comel..
kudung yang xde pon die puji gak...
arghhh!!!! xleh trime..haha....
gazara adeng apai ngan hatta die cakap..
da bleh buat team bunkface sebab rambut diorang..haha..lawak2...
ape2 pon..tu la cikgu aku..
sentiasa senang bergurau senda ngn kitorang..cyg cikgu..k la...
wa mau tdo..ngntok...
jya na...
Saturday, July 4, 2009
we are all back...
actually..not all..but some of us...
today...i wake up at 8.10 a.m. and rushed up..
coz i should take a bus to KL Sentral and met faidzal there...
we were going to our former and beloved school..sdar...
coz today...
there was a celebration in sdar that all of us..
sdarians will celebrate it every year...
it is...sdar open day...
or more common to us...sdar open block...
perhaps bcoz of the blocks are open to see to everybody...
it is the day that every single human can take a look at our beautiful dormitories..
when i arrived KL sentral and met faidzal...
on the way to withdraw our money...
coincidentally, we met chot@cola and syahiran..
both of them were waiting for kepeng@hasnur hakim...
there we were....
coincident collar..
after that...
we took bus to seremban and already made a promise with our driver,shin chan@sabqie that we'll arrive seremban around 11 o clock...
and....that was the first time i think sdarians arrived on time..haha..
but not ah chan...
we waited him for 1 hours...
how hot we were.....'s okay coz it was still early...
n then....we met hatta...our old terminal one...
ah chan also brought ibrahim@baem@tambun together with
like what hatta said..tambun looked like a politician...the way he answered the phone calls...
then..we went to sdar...with ah chan's pajero...haha...8 people inside...
we also met baloo@rizal,mahbeb, apai@naim,asywad@badak, hafifi@bona,akhbar@baba, and rangga
so many...haha....
this year....the main competition were....which house can make the best and the most delicious bahulu and dodol......
haha...yeah..i know that to make needs a long time to stir the mixture of flour,eggs,and sugar..and to cook it well, it needs patient with the smokes..haha...
btw, i think that all the students,teachers and workers enjoyed doing all that things...
haha...just like before...
this year also....there was a haunted house made by the students...i think it was such a nice try for them to do a new thing...different one from the previous years...
we didn't know that..this year celebration...
sdar invited "bunkface" to make their performance in sdar...
i think this is the first time that i know that sdar invited a indie band...haha...
before this just invited nasyid artist such as akhil khay...
all the sdarians enjoyed well their songs...
if i'm not mistaken...there were revolusi, situasi and silli lilly..haha...

here are the pixs...
for us..
the most important thing to go back to sdar is to meet the teachers and thank them very much for every things that they had done to us...we really2 appreciate them very much...we luv them all...
and the other reason is to meet our old friends and also the sdarians...
and to know our school progress especially in academic and co curriculum...
this time...we were really happy...
we spent around 3 and a half hours in sdar.. before we returned....

we hope that we will return to sdar after this with a degree or a master or a phD...
or with a very good career...
and perhaps we can contribute back to sdar....
"berilmu untuk berjasa"....
-------------proud to be--------------
today...i wake up at 8.10 a.m. and rushed up..
coz i should take a bus to KL Sentral and met faidzal there...
we were going to our former and beloved school..sdar...
coz today...
there was a celebration in sdar that all of us..
sdarians will celebrate it every year...
it is...sdar open day...
or more common to us...sdar open block...
perhaps bcoz of the blocks are open to see to everybody...
it is the day that every single human can take a look at our beautiful dormitories..
when i arrived KL sentral and met faidzal...
on the way to withdraw our money...
coincidentally, we met chot@cola and syahiran..
both of them were waiting for kepeng@hasnur hakim...
there we were....
coincident collar..
after that...
we took bus to seremban and already made a promise with our driver,shin chan@sabqie that we'll arrive seremban around 11 o clock...
and....that was the first time i think sdarians arrived on time..haha..
but not ah chan...
we waited him for 1 hours...
how hot we were.....'s okay coz it was still early...
n then....we met hatta...our old terminal one...
ah chan also brought ibrahim@baem@tambun together with
like what hatta said..tambun looked like a politician...the way he answered the phone calls...
then..we went to sdar...with ah chan's pajero...haha...8 people inside...
we also met baloo@rizal,mahbeb, apai@naim,asywad@badak, hafifi@bona,akhbar@baba, and rangga
so many...haha....
this year....the main competition were....which house can make the best and the most delicious bahulu and dodol......
haha...yeah..i know that to make needs a long time to stir the mixture of flour,eggs,and sugar..and to cook it well, it needs patient with the smokes..haha...
btw, i think that all the students,teachers and workers enjoyed doing all that things...
haha...just like before...
this year also....there was a haunted house made by the students...i think it was such a nice try for them to do a new thing...different one from the previous years...
we didn't know that..this year celebration...
sdar invited "bunkface" to make their performance in sdar...
i think this is the first time that i know that sdar invited a indie band...haha...
before this just invited nasyid artist such as akhil khay...
all the sdarians enjoyed well their songs...
if i'm not mistaken...there were revolusi, situasi and silli lilly..haha...

for us..
the most important thing to go back to sdar is to meet the teachers and thank them very much for every things that they had done to us...we really2 appreciate them very much...we luv them all...
and the other reason is to meet our old friends and also the sdarians...
and to know our school progress especially in academic and co curriculum...
this time...we were really happy...
we spent around 3 and a half hours in sdar.. before we returned....

or with a very good career...
and perhaps we can contribute back to sdar....
"berilmu untuk berjasa"....
-------------proud to be--------------
hmm..tomodachi ni sdar ek iku...
sdar no open day ga aru...
huhu...hope that today will full with happiness....
will meet my old friends...
take a look at my old dorms...
and have some chat with the teachers...
and friends.....
eat a lot..huhu...
i'm hungry now....
sdar no open day ga aru...
huhu...hope that today will full with happiness....
will meet my old friends...
take a look at my old dorms...
and have some chat with the teachers...
and friends.....
eat a lot..huhu...
i'm hungry now....
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
orang tanye kat hakir...
ape yang ko suke pandang kat seseorang???
hakir pon blank la....
ape maksud mamat sorang ni???
die mau part mane ni???
oooo..kalau girl tau sangat la...
tapi x pada hakir...
hakir pon berkate kate...
aku suke tengok orang senyum la beb...ntah la...seronok la tengok diorang senyum..menawan..xkesah la sape pon..awek cun ke, mak cik dining ke, atok ade gigi due ke...
haha...yang penting diorang senyum...
hakir berpendapat bahawa...
jikalau seseorang itu senyum...insya Allah beliau atau si dia berada dalam keadaan yang bahagia...
tapi kan....
kat dunia ni melambak sangat orang...
melambak sangat perasaan...
dan melambak sangat senyuman..
huh?? melambak senyuman???
ok...actually nak kongsi gak pendapat hakir sendri....
senyuman ni mmg byk jenis dan byk tujuannye...
ade orang senyum mmg ikhlas...nak kasi orang laen hepi cam die...
ade orang senyum coz terpakse...ape x nye...muke tu mmg susah nak senyum...then keje jadi waiter x pon penyambut tetamu..nak xnk kene senyum la...
ade yang senyum sbb dapat rezeki...alhamdulillah...ape x nye..seronok pe dapat bende yang kite leh dapat...
ade yang senyum mmg menggatal x pon mmg miang...muke xde la handsome x pon cantik mane pon.... ade hati nak ngorat boss2 yang macho xpon anak gadis orang yang cun melecun tu... gigi pon ade yang hitam...
ade gak yang senyum sebab muslihat..haaa...yang ni yang parah ni..kemaen manis kite tengok die senyum...cair la kot yang pempuan senyum...kot yang laki senyum..hmmm..bertambah percaye la kite kat die..alik2 xde angin xde ujan...pok..macam tu je..skali die tikam dari songlap duet ke..tibai keje kite ke..awek kite ke...bankrup kan kite ke...
last2...kite yang xsenyum selamenye....menyampah plak rsenye...
btol la pepatah melayu tu...rambut same hitam,tapi hati laen2...
masalahnye..skang ni kene tukar...rambut x same hitam, ade berbelang belang, ade macam busut kerengga, and ade yang da rosak, hati lagi la laen2...kalah warna pelangi...
senang cerita la..dengan senyuman akan membuatkan kite ceria ..bahagia dan gembira....
kalau kite x senyum....mesti serabut nampak gaye nye...
dengan senyuman insyaAllah semua orang gembira...
bende yang disangka susah akan menjadi senang....
saat duka akan bertukar ceria...
ade la kat sekolah ni dulu...lawak plak rasenye...
ade sorang senior ni....jln..jln...dan jln....
lepas tu terselisih la dengan sorang junior...
si senior ni mmg salah seorang yang hebat...n kadang2 sensitif sket...
si junior pon bg la salam seperti biase...
"hoi..ko meh sini sekejap...aku menyampah gile tengok muke ko...jgn lalu depan aku lagi boleh x??"
si junior pon blank la...semenjak dari ari junior akan takut n mengelak daripada terserempak dengan si senior...
setelah beberapa bulan...
terserempak laaa mereka semula...
si junior dalam keadaan takut...dan terus memberi salam....
salam dijawab....
si senior berase pelik...
"weh ko...ko kenape ek?? nape takut pandang aku?? aku bukan singa nak makan ko pon..apsal???"
junior mereply balik...
" takut a..a...abang marah kat saye...sebab dulu..a..abang ade marah sy..a...a...abang cakap xnak tengok muke saye lagi....huhuhu..."
setelah lame mengimbas kembali...
"ooo..sori la dek....aku da lupe da...time tu aku ade sket mase tu..ko la jadi mangse...btw..aku marah ko pon ade sebab...sebab ko x senyum kat aku...muke ko macam cipan kot xpandai senyum"...
ooo...baru la tau si junior innocence ni...
senang cakap
if seseorang tu gundah randah...mesti akan hepi jugak kot ade yang bermanis muke dengan beliau...
k la...senyum la eh kawan2...
ape yang ko suke pandang kat seseorang???
hakir pon blank la....
ape maksud mamat sorang ni???
die mau part mane ni???
oooo..kalau girl tau sangat la...
tapi x pada hakir...
hakir pon berkate kate...
aku suke tengok orang senyum la beb...ntah la...seronok la tengok diorang senyum..menawan..xkesah la sape pon..awek cun ke, mak cik dining ke, atok ade gigi due ke...
haha...yang penting diorang senyum...
hakir berpendapat bahawa...
jikalau seseorang itu senyum...insya Allah beliau atau si dia berada dalam keadaan yang bahagia...
tapi kan....
kat dunia ni melambak sangat orang...
melambak sangat perasaan...
dan melambak sangat senyuman..
huh?? melambak senyuman???
ok...actually nak kongsi gak pendapat hakir sendri....
senyuman ni mmg byk jenis dan byk tujuannye...
ade orang senyum mmg ikhlas...nak kasi orang laen hepi cam die...
ade orang senyum coz terpakse...ape x nye...muke tu mmg susah nak senyum...then keje jadi waiter x pon penyambut tetamu..nak xnk kene senyum la...
ade yang senyum sbb dapat rezeki...alhamdulillah...ape x nye..seronok pe dapat bende yang kite leh dapat...
ade yang senyum mmg menggatal x pon mmg miang...muke xde la handsome x pon cantik mane pon.... ade hati nak ngorat boss2 yang macho xpon anak gadis orang yang cun melecun tu... gigi pon ade yang hitam...
ade gak yang senyum sebab muslihat..haaa...yang ni yang parah ni..kemaen manis kite tengok die senyum...cair la kot yang pempuan senyum...kot yang laki senyum..hmmm..bertambah percaye la kite kat die..alik2 xde angin xde ujan...pok..macam tu je..skali die tikam dari songlap duet ke..tibai keje kite ke..awek kite ke...bankrup kan kite ke...
last2...kite yang xsenyum selamenye....menyampah plak rsenye...
btol la pepatah melayu tu...rambut same hitam,tapi hati laen2...
masalahnye..skang ni kene tukar...rambut x same hitam, ade berbelang belang, ade macam busut kerengga, and ade yang da rosak, hati lagi la laen2...kalah warna pelangi...
senang cerita la..dengan senyuman akan membuatkan kite ceria ..bahagia dan gembira....
kalau kite x senyum....mesti serabut nampak gaye nye...
dengan senyuman insyaAllah semua orang gembira...
bende yang disangka susah akan menjadi senang....
saat duka akan bertukar ceria...
ade la kat sekolah ni dulu...lawak plak rasenye...
ade sorang senior ni....jln..jln...dan jln....
lepas tu terselisih la dengan sorang junior...
si senior ni mmg salah seorang yang hebat...n kadang2 sensitif sket...
si junior pon bg la salam seperti biase...
"hoi..ko meh sini sekejap...aku menyampah gile tengok muke ko...jgn lalu depan aku lagi boleh x??"
si junior pon blank la...semenjak dari ari junior akan takut n mengelak daripada terserempak dengan si senior...
setelah beberapa bulan...
terserempak laaa mereka semula...
si junior dalam keadaan takut...dan terus memberi salam....
salam dijawab....
si senior berase pelik...
"weh ko...ko kenape ek?? nape takut pandang aku?? aku bukan singa nak makan ko pon..apsal???"
junior mereply balik...
" takut a..a...abang marah kat saye...sebab dulu..a..abang ade marah sy..a...a...abang cakap xnak tengok muke saye lagi....huhuhu..."
setelah lame mengimbas kembali...
"ooo..sori la dek....aku da lupe da...time tu aku ade sket mase tu..ko la jadi mangse...btw..aku marah ko pon ade sebab...sebab ko x senyum kat aku...muke ko macam cipan kot xpandai senyum"...
ooo...baru la tau si junior innocence ni...
senang cakap
if seseorang tu gundah randah...mesti akan hepi jugak kot ade yang bermanis muke dengan beliau...
k la...senyum la eh kawan2...
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
yesterday was scary...terrible for me...
yet..i was quite happy...
what was happened actually???
the day before that...i went back to my hometown...
from KL to motorcycle...
then...before i returned to KL...
i brought my big bro > just returned from russia for a long holidays<>will further her study to india but, do prep at intec first< to visit little sis at STJ...
after that..we went back...
when i turned the car at the junction in front of our house, suddenly the car kiok...and there was white gas evolved from the hood...ahh..big trouble..
we pushed our cousin car to the house...
then, i rushed up...wanted to go back early..
it's already 2.15 p.m.if not..i would be late..
started my motor's engine..vroom3....
later....after hugged and kissed my family members hand....vroommmm....
when i reached seremban...
i didn't know what happen..all i knew was i felt down when i hit the sand at the side of the road...
then all the cars behind me stopped...
i thought my head already hit the divider n i'm gone...
but..i still alive..god thanks...
then.. i stood my motor up and asked the car drivers to move on..not block the other cars...
i was confused at that time..why did i do like that even i was injured...
someone said that the car behind me hit me..
n i said i didn't notice it..
whatever... as long as i am's ok...
i called all my relatives...n they came so fast to help me out..
n also to mr jalal's son...he's kinda good guy..came n helped me...
my nanny also wonderful...
the most important thing is i am happy coz i have this lovely family..
that really take care and concern about me..
i luv 'em so much.... uncle sent my motor to his friend's workshop whilst i drove his ford ranger...
and that was the first time i drive a 4 wheels drive..haha...
after finished repaired my motor...
i continued my journey to damansara after maghrib prayer...
n i reached here 9.05 p.m.
n i am here now...
don't drive recklessly like ms say said...
n keep a good relationship with our family members....
yet..i was quite happy...
what was happened actually???
the day before that...i went back to my hometown...
from KL to motorcycle...
then...before i returned to KL...
i brought my big bro > just returned from russia for a long holidays<>will further her study to india but, do prep at intec first< to visit little sis at STJ...
after that..we went back...
when i turned the car at the junction in front of our house, suddenly the car kiok...and there was white gas evolved from the hood...ahh..big trouble..
we pushed our cousin car to the house...
then, i rushed up...wanted to go back early..
it's already 2.15 p.m.if not..i would be late..
started my motor's engine..vroom3....
later....after hugged and kissed my family members hand....vroommmm....
when i reached seremban...
i didn't know what happen..all i knew was i felt down when i hit the sand at the side of the road...
then all the cars behind me stopped...
i thought my head already hit the divider n i'm gone...
but..i still alive..god thanks...
then.. i stood my motor up and asked the car drivers to move on..not block the other cars...
i was confused at that time..why did i do like that even i was injured...
someone said that the car behind me hit me..
n i said i didn't notice it..
whatever... as long as i am's ok...
i called all my relatives...n they came so fast to help me out..
n also to mr jalal's son...he's kinda good guy..came n helped me...
my nanny also wonderful...
the most important thing is i am happy coz i have this lovely family..
that really take care and concern about me..
i luv 'em so much.... uncle sent my motor to his friend's workshop whilst i drove his ford ranger...
and that was the first time i drive a 4 wheels drive..haha...
after finished repaired my motor...
i continued my journey to damansara after maghrib prayer...
n i reached here 9.05 p.m.
n i am here now...
don't drive recklessly like ms say said...
n keep a good relationship with our family members....
---kept alive---
hello there, this time i would like to share with all of you my poem that i wrote by myself..
it's my own idea and not copied from the others...
i am learning literature this semester and poem is our first subject this time...
hope that all of u can get the main idea or story of this poem..., relax and enjoy it...
laugh as u can if u know what i mean....haha....
"kept alive"
Look at the mighty sky....
not shining anymore from the moon...
shielded by the angry, watery clouds...
sketch a mesmerizing smile...
on a green warty face...
After a long time...
Live in desperation...
missed the enjoyable moments...
wait with passion...
Now, worry no more...
Heart beats so fast...
They meet again...
Good day to jump high before...
It has just began...
The old song (croak croak) is echoed everywhere...
In an old wet land...
Kept alive...
it's my own idea and not copied from the others...
i am learning literature this semester and poem is our first subject this time...
hope that all of u can get the main idea or story of this poem..., relax and enjoy it...
laugh as u can if u know what i mean....haha....
"kept alive"
Look at the mighty sky....
not shining anymore from the moon...
shielded by the angry, watery clouds...
sketch a mesmerizing smile...
on a green warty face...
After a long time...
Live in desperation...
missed the enjoyable moments...
wait with passion...
Now, worry no more...
Heart beats so fast...
They meet again...
Good day to jump high before...
It has just began...
The old song (croak croak) is echoed everywhere...
In an old wet land...
Kept alive...
Friday, June 19, 2009
it's friday again...
before i pack my bag and go back...
i must attend to idp talk this evening...
to choose which university that i like to further my study...
what comes in my mind now yeah??
new south wales?? curtin?? rmit???
west aussie???
arghhh...whatever la..
as long as i can go there...
i will be very grateful..
hmm.. big bro already came back to malaysia yesterday..
after a long journey from russia...
he's now here..
haha..wanna go back to my hometown...
and luckily...
it's durian season in my place..
wanna eat a lot..
that's great....
hope all of u also enjoy your weekend...see ya..
it's friday again...
before i pack my bag and go back...
i must attend to idp talk this evening...
to choose which university that i like to further my study...
what comes in my mind now yeah??
new south wales?? curtin?? rmit???
west aussie???
arghhh...whatever la..
as long as i can go there...
i will be very grateful..
hmm.. big bro already came back to malaysia yesterday..
after a long journey from russia...
he's now here..
haha..wanna go back to my hometown...
and luckily...
it's durian season in my place..
wanna eat a lot..
that's great....
hope all of u also enjoy your weekend...see ya..
Monday, June 15, 2009
---long way to go---
today is the beginning of my AUSMAT 2nd semester..
after a week break..
all of us came back to KBU International College..
today is a good day...
coz all of us started very slow...
brain is not functioning well..
after ms chan asked a question..
tut tut tut..5 seconds after that we would answer..
but not all answered...haha....
today is also a smiling day...
coz my class already got our applic's mid year result..
so far so good...even i didn't score pretty much higher....
today is a poem day for my class..
we started learning our new syllabus...
our new challenge...
what was it???
we are gonna study literature for this semester...
and we should score more on the coursework if we wanna fly to aussie...
coursework??? a poem in front other students at the cafe????
and what other else??
i dunno....huhuhu...
this semester will be very interesting...
i should prepare myself....
focus more on my study...
always motivate myself that i can do this and do that...
help and support my other friends to work and study more...
we just have 5 months only...
before we proceed to the other stage of our life after this...
5 months that will show me where i'll go after this....
with great determination and support....
i can...
after a week break..
all of us came back to KBU International College..
today is a good day...
coz all of us started very slow...
brain is not functioning well..
after ms chan asked a question..
tut tut tut..5 seconds after that we would answer..
but not all answered...haha....
today is also a smiling day...
coz my class already got our applic's mid year result..
so far so good...even i didn't score pretty much higher....
today is a poem day for my class..
we started learning our new syllabus...
our new challenge...
what was it???
we are gonna study literature for this semester...
and we should score more on the coursework if we wanna fly to aussie...
coursework??? a poem in front other students at the cafe????
and what other else??
i dunno....huhuhu...
this semester will be very interesting...
i should prepare myself....
focus more on my study...
always motivate myself that i can do this and do that...
help and support my other friends to work and study more...
we just have 5 months only...
before we proceed to the other stage of our life after this...
5 months that will show me where i'll go after this....
with great determination and support....
i can...
Friday, June 12, 2009
kadang2 hati ini jadi hiba..
ntah la, manira pon tidak tahu mengapa...
kadang2 hati ini jadi kosong...
apa yang difikirkan pon tidak diketahui....sunyi sahaja...
kadang2 diri ini terpandang sang bulan di atas sana tersenyum pada bintang2 yang berkelipan..
seronok pula rasanya...
dapat melihat sang bulan yang indah...
kadang2 terfikir juga...
kalau kita di sini terlihatkan sang bulan..
adakah terlihat juga oleh orang di sana....
kadang2 hati ini terasa pilu dan sayu...
tiba2 sahaja...
entahkan nak menangis mahupun melalak...
xboleh juga....
sedih aja rasanya...sunyi lagi skali....
kadang2 diri ini tersenyum gembira tatkala melihat awan, bulan dan bintang yang indah pada waktu malam yang cerah sinarnya...
tiba2 je senyum...
entahkan gila ataupun teringat kenangan yang indah pada satu ketika dulu...
tersenyum pon tersipu sipu..
gila agaknya.....
ini yang pandang awan bintang dan bulan..
yang pandang mesej ape pulak ceritanya....
kadang2 hati ini berkecamuk..remuk redam rasanya..
memikirkan kerja yang melambak xterkira disamping xcukup masa untuk tidur..
deadline esok ya...argh..xaman pulak rasanya..
apa kena mengena dengan remuk redam pulak???
entah la..manira pon xtau..tibe2 je keluar perkataan tu..
kadang2 terfikir memori indah satu ketika dulu...
semangat dibuatnya...
seronok rasenye...
ingin merasainya skali lagi hendaknya...
kesimpulannya::: adoiiyaaiii..aku pon xtau ape aku tulih ni....faidzal@fareez...kemari engkau...
ni sume ko nye pasal ar ni..aku da terjoin kejiwangan ko tu....adoiiii....penin2...
legend pon nak blurr jugakk...
always blurrrr....
ntah la, manira pon tidak tahu mengapa...
kadang2 hati ini jadi kosong...
apa yang difikirkan pon tidak diketahui....sunyi sahaja...
kadang2 diri ini terpandang sang bulan di atas sana tersenyum pada bintang2 yang berkelipan..
seronok pula rasanya...
dapat melihat sang bulan yang indah...
kadang2 terfikir juga...
kalau kita di sini terlihatkan sang bulan..
adakah terlihat juga oleh orang di sana....
kadang2 hati ini terasa pilu dan sayu...
tiba2 sahaja...
entahkan nak menangis mahupun melalak...
xboleh juga....
sedih aja rasanya...sunyi lagi skali....
kadang2 diri ini tersenyum gembira tatkala melihat awan, bulan dan bintang yang indah pada waktu malam yang cerah sinarnya...
tiba2 je senyum...
entahkan gila ataupun teringat kenangan yang indah pada satu ketika dulu...
tersenyum pon tersipu sipu..
gila agaknya.....
ini yang pandang awan bintang dan bulan..
yang pandang mesej ape pulak ceritanya....
kadang2 hati ini berkecamuk..remuk redam rasanya..
memikirkan kerja yang melambak xterkira disamping xcukup masa untuk tidur..
deadline esok ya...argh..xaman pulak rasanya..
apa kena mengena dengan remuk redam pulak???
entah la..manira pon xtau..tibe2 je keluar perkataan tu..
kadang2 terfikir memori indah satu ketika dulu...
semangat dibuatnya...
seronok rasenye...
ingin merasainya skali lagi hendaknya...
kesimpulannya::: adoiiyaaiii..aku pon xtau ape aku tulih ni....faidzal@fareez...kemari engkau...
ni sume ko nye pasal ar ni..aku da terjoin kejiwangan ko tu....adoiiii....penin2...
legend pon nak blurr jugakk...
always blurrrr....
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
---now i know why---
last 2 weeks if i am not mistaken.
i sat my eald oral speaking test.
i was misunderstood actually.
what i thought was come 2o minutes from my speaking test schedule..
not 20 minutes with the whole group.
i got the evening session and i never asked the other guys about the time to enter the room.
and what i remembered was my speaking time was at 5 p.m.
so no need for me to rush to go there.
at that evening also, i was so stressed and tired. so at 2.55 p.m i decided to take a break and bought 100 plus.
suddenly, my friend afif messaged me to come to english preparation room at that time..
i thought he was playing prank on me.
i didn't care.. i wanted to drink my 100 plus first and then take a break for a while..
later, afif messaged me again..and seems like he was so serious with that matter..
he said if i come late i'll not get the question..
i was so shocked.. how come i should come so early???
ahhh!!! big probs....
i rushed to the preparation room...
i was so messy at that time and when i asked the invigilator about my question paper..
she said.." no paper and no question for u coz u are late"
arghh!!!.. i was so dissappointed at that time..
what should i do..i just watched my other friends answered and practiced their speaking whilst i just sat like a stupid person who don't know what is the question that i'll answer..
argh...for sure that was the worst oral i ever attended..
time was creeping slowly...
at last it was my time. the last person for that day..
i told my lecturer about my misunderstanding and hoped that she would understand me..
and the speaking test began..
i just answered all the question on the spot..
no depth thinking and no transition linker i think..
what makes me thinking about the oral until now is not about my lateness or the question i didn't get.
i want to focus on what miss chan asked about the first part of my speaking test..
about how do i cope my life here...
how about my studies and others..
i answered i am still trying to adapt with this new environment..
and my studies are quite bad due to certain extents such as the Internet, games, movies and more...
and i added.. the most important thing that i lose here are my best friends...
i do not have any best friends here like when i was studied in sdar..
i got so many best friends there not like here..
she asked me what about my other friends in my student house..
i told her that my friends now are just good friends..
they are good friends, not best friends..
these two words, good and best are totally different...
at that moment, i realised that this was my problem..
i do not have a friend that can share my problem like before..
how i am going to face life after this without support from my best friends...
huhu.. hope that i can survive...
i must survive...even i am quite lonely..
but, it's okay...
i should find back my confidence and be the old "fikri@bota" who were always happy and confident with his action...
i hope so....
now i know why......
i sat my eald oral speaking test.
i was misunderstood actually.
what i thought was come 2o minutes from my speaking test schedule..
not 20 minutes with the whole group.
i got the evening session and i never asked the other guys about the time to enter the room.
and what i remembered was my speaking time was at 5 p.m.
so no need for me to rush to go there.
at that evening also, i was so stressed and tired. so at 2.55 p.m i decided to take a break and bought 100 plus.
suddenly, my friend afif messaged me to come to english preparation room at that time..
i thought he was playing prank on me.
i didn't care.. i wanted to drink my 100 plus first and then take a break for a while..
later, afif messaged me again..and seems like he was so serious with that matter..
he said if i come late i'll not get the question..
i was so shocked.. how come i should come so early???
ahhh!!! big probs....
i rushed to the preparation room...
i was so messy at that time and when i asked the invigilator about my question paper..
she said.." no paper and no question for u coz u are late"
arghh!!!.. i was so dissappointed at that time..
what should i do..i just watched my other friends answered and practiced their speaking whilst i just sat like a stupid person who don't know what is the question that i'll answer..
argh...for sure that was the worst oral i ever attended..
time was creeping slowly...
at last it was my time. the last person for that day..
i told my lecturer about my misunderstanding and hoped that she would understand me..
and the speaking test began..
i just answered all the question on the spot..
no depth thinking and no transition linker i think..
what makes me thinking about the oral until now is not about my lateness or the question i didn't get.
i want to focus on what miss chan asked about the first part of my speaking test..
about how do i cope my life here...
how about my studies and others..
i answered i am still trying to adapt with this new environment..
and my studies are quite bad due to certain extents such as the Internet, games, movies and more...
and i added.. the most important thing that i lose here are my best friends...
i do not have any best friends here like when i was studied in sdar..
i got so many best friends there not like here..
she asked me what about my other friends in my student house..
i told her that my friends now are just good friends..
they are good friends, not best friends..
these two words, good and best are totally different...
at that moment, i realised that this was my problem..
i do not have a friend that can share my problem like before..
how i am going to face life after this without support from my best friends...
huhu.. hope that i can survive...
i must survive...even i am quite lonely..
but, it's okay...
i should find back my confidence and be the old "fikri@bota" who were always happy and confident with his action...
i hope so....
now i know why......
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
---my mision---
1. i have 3 novels that i target to finish reading in these couple of days.
- "ketupat cinta" by faisal tehrani.
- "cinta kau dan aku" by siti rosmizah.
- " p s i love u" by cecilia ahern.
just bought 'em.
2. should prepare for my ielts repeat test.
- reading
- speaking
- listening
- and writing.
wish me luck yeah..haha..
3. watch movies.
- star trek.
- angels and demons.
- the curious case of benjamin button
- and watch again one litre of tears... many things i wanna do...
i must finish doing all of this by the end of this week...
- "ketupat cinta" by faisal tehrani.
- "cinta kau dan aku" by siti rosmizah.
- " p s i love u" by cecilia ahern.
just bought 'em.
2. should prepare for my ielts repeat test.
- reading
- speaking
- listening
- and writing.
wish me luck yeah..haha..
3. watch movies.
- star trek.
- angels and demons.
- the curious case of benjamin button
- and watch again one litre of tears... many things i wanna do...
i must finish doing all of this by the end of this week...
Monday, June 8, 2009
---the best man wins---
it's a very good quotation.
i only knew this quotation when my 4th headboy, nurhelmi lukman@mentol said this during the formal assembly in the hall.
i believe that this quotation also helped him in motivated himself in his studies and he succeed.
the sentence was simple..
only contains 4 words...
which describes only the best, the greatest, the most excellent can win...
i believe that if we have our own principle or philosophy, we should follow and rule it out..
and this quotation actually is good for everyone..
especially to those who is still trying to find his or her rhythm or tune..
once you get your real rhythm u'll be yourself and beat the others...
sometimes i forgot that i also have a couple of principles in my life..
and i have abandoned all of it for a while..
i think that's why i am in trouble right now..
i really want to catch my flight...
and my way of life...
once i miss it, i will be very sad for the whole of my life..
so..what should i do now is put faith in myself again and try to find my own and my real confident..
the first step that i should do is having a principle or philosophy that can motivate me...
because i believe that everyone in this world also has a very fundamental principle that we should believe in..
so, if we want something that is impossible..
we should motivate ourselves and get back our strength...
try try and try to improve ourselves...
" the best man wins"
not men win.......
only certain groups of people....
let's us catch the train and flight together and enjoy our life after that....
i only knew this quotation when my 4th headboy, nurhelmi lukman@mentol said this during the formal assembly in the hall.
i believe that this quotation also helped him in motivated himself in his studies and he succeed.
the sentence was simple..
only contains 4 words...
which describes only the best, the greatest, the most excellent can win...
i believe that if we have our own principle or philosophy, we should follow and rule it out..
and this quotation actually is good for everyone..
especially to those who is still trying to find his or her rhythm or tune..
once you get your real rhythm u'll be yourself and beat the others...
sometimes i forgot that i also have a couple of principles in my life..
and i have abandoned all of it for a while..
i think that's why i am in trouble right now..
i really want to catch my flight...
and my way of life...
once i miss it, i will be very sad for the whole of my life..
so..what should i do now is put faith in myself again and try to find my own and my real confident..
the first step that i should do is having a principle or philosophy that can motivate me...
because i believe that everyone in this world also has a very fundamental principle that we should believe in..
so, if we want something that is impossible..
we should motivate ourselves and get back our strength...
try try and try to improve ourselves...
" the best man wins"
not men win.......
only certain groups of people....
let's us catch the train and flight together and enjoy our life after that....
Sunday, June 7, 2009
--unexpected gathering--
yesterday...6th june 2009...
my frenz and i went out to berjaya times square....
they were rifqi, faidzal, ashraf (the sdarians), faiz (acap's frenz) and 'aisyah( my frenz)...
we met at kl monorail around 10.45 a.m...
we took our breakfast beside the railway station..
mamak stall..
but acap and faiz were already at the times square...
i didn't meet acap for a long time..
i think, the last time i met him was during the award's giving ceremony to high spm achievers...
that was the last time..
since then, i just called him once...
haha... he's look same now..but i think totally different from before...
i meant.. the way he think and his style..
i believe he will be a successful man one day..
we watched movie..
acap fareez qari2 and faiz watched terminator which i just watched it the day before..
haha..then aisyah and me decided to watch 'jangan pandang belakang congkak'..
for the first time, i thought the movie was not good..
but, in the end i noticed that our malay movie is getting better and it's nice to watch it..
i dare to say that jangan pandang belakang congkak will make u laugh and sometimes feel scary and afraid...
it was really a good story to watch....
after finished watching the movies, we went to sungei wang..
took some walk and had our lunch there...
just KFC...finger lickin' good..
actually, 'aisyah was not comfortable in sungei wang and said that she felt like not safe to be there...
we took good care of her..
we knew we should be careful coz there were a lot of people and it was so crowded..
and if u lose ur frend ( especially to those new with that area), it's gonna be bad..
suddenly..we met qamarul ariffin (Q) our old frend...
he's studying at UPNM now...he just took a walk day..
it was unexpected meeting..
and Q decided to follow us after but wanted to go to pavilion for a while coz he wanted to buy donuts from J.Co...haha...
and then..we footed to low yat plaza which is just beside the sungei wang..
i wanted to buy a cooling fan while rifqi eagered to find a new pen drive..
haha..after found all the equipments..
we had our tea..
acap was really excited with his new cellphone...O2...
haha..he tried to google coz that place had a wifi coverage..
all of u should look at acap at that moment...
his eagerness with his phone..haha...
before we went back to kl sentral, our main place to gather before we go somewhere...
we waited for Q..
then we moved..
when we just finished our maghrib prayer at kl sentral's surau..
one more thing happened.. was rizal muhammad a.k.a baloo..
haha.. he also went out that day..
ahaha....then...we took picture together...
our unexpected gathering..
supposedly should only 4 last...6 sdarians...
haha...what a good day for us..and thanked to 'aisyah and faiz coz volunteered to take pictures for are the pixs..

"once a sdarians, always a sdarians"..
my frenz and i went out to berjaya times square....
they were rifqi, faidzal, ashraf (the sdarians), faiz (acap's frenz) and 'aisyah( my frenz)...
we met at kl monorail around 10.45 a.m...
we took our breakfast beside the railway station..
mamak stall..
but acap and faiz were already at the times square...
i didn't meet acap for a long time..
i think, the last time i met him was during the award's giving ceremony to high spm achievers...
that was the last time..
since then, i just called him once...
haha... he's look same now..but i think totally different from before...
i meant.. the way he think and his style..
i believe he will be a successful man one day..
we watched movie..
acap fareez qari2 and faiz watched terminator which i just watched it the day before..
haha..then aisyah and me decided to watch 'jangan pandang belakang congkak'..
for the first time, i thought the movie was not good..
but, in the end i noticed that our malay movie is getting better and it's nice to watch it..
i dare to say that jangan pandang belakang congkak will make u laugh and sometimes feel scary and afraid...
it was really a good story to watch....
after finished watching the movies, we went to sungei wang..
took some walk and had our lunch there...
just KFC...finger lickin' good..
actually, 'aisyah was not comfortable in sungei wang and said that she felt like not safe to be there...
we took good care of her..
we knew we should be careful coz there were a lot of people and it was so crowded..
and if u lose ur frend ( especially to those new with that area), it's gonna be bad..
suddenly..we met qamarul ariffin (Q) our old frend...
he's studying at UPNM now...he just took a walk day..
it was unexpected meeting..
and Q decided to follow us after but wanted to go to pavilion for a while coz he wanted to buy donuts from J.Co...haha...
and then..we footed to low yat plaza which is just beside the sungei wang..
i wanted to buy a cooling fan while rifqi eagered to find a new pen drive..
haha..after found all the equipments..
we had our tea..
acap was really excited with his new cellphone...O2...
haha..he tried to google coz that place had a wifi coverage..
all of u should look at acap at that moment...
his eagerness with his phone..haha...
before we went back to kl sentral, our main place to gather before we go somewhere...
we waited for Q..
then we moved..
when we just finished our maghrib prayer at kl sentral's surau..
one more thing happened.. was rizal muhammad a.k.a baloo..
haha.. he also went out that day..
ahaha....then...we took picture together...
our unexpected gathering..
supposedly should only 4 last...6 sdarians...
haha...what a good day for us..and thanked to 'aisyah and faiz coz volunteered to take pictures for are the pixs..

"once a sdarians, always a sdarians"..
Saturday, June 6, 2009
after a week battled with examination..
after my brain already reached the limit of my genius ness..
after a week that made all of us cried everynite of doing revision...
after a week we brainstormed our head with everything...
we made it...
we finished our exam..
really happy coz we are going home..
it's time for a week holiday...
a week to spend time with our family relatives and more...
a week that can make us sleep every time without thinking about studies...
time to doze off our brain..huhuhu....
happy for a while..
hope the result will be okay..
and excellent..
after my brain already reached the limit of my genius ness..
after a week that made all of us cried everynite of doing revision...
after a week we brainstormed our head with everything...
we made it...
we finished our exam..
really happy coz we are going home..
it's time for a week holiday...
a week to spend time with our family relatives and more...
a week that can make us sleep every time without thinking about studies...
time to doze off our brain..huhuhu....
happy for a while..
hope the result will be okay..
and excellent..
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
who wanna buy these from me???
hello guys.. actually, i'm helping my uncle to sell certain products...
and here are the products that i have right now...

i sell this with a lower prize...u can get these two crocs by half price..while this oakley spectacles around rm100++..if u are interested..u can contact me...
all these products are original..made from china...k..jya na...
and here are the products that i have right now...
all these products are original..made from china...k..jya na...
Saturday, May 30, 2009
>3 of us<
i have 3 best friends in this world....
we met when we studied in sekolah dato' abdul razak, seremban..
4 of us...
dewa zal, super chan, dewi qari and me...
we were in the same class since from 1 till form 5...
we enjoyed our friendship by doing a lot of things...
sometimes, we missed up certain moments especially our life in sdar...
4 of us already graduated 2 years ago....
but.. we still keep in touch with each other...
sometimes, i feel that it is not complete if one of us can't attend our meeting or activity...
last wednesday...
dewa zal, super chan and me went to sdar to take our spm certificate...
we were happy..but not much as usual...
coz dewi qari was not there...
there, we met our beloved teachers,but not all of them were there coz some of them already went back home....we met...
mama zila, mariana sensei, mr sahak,madame famida, madame norahilah, n i forgot..
we met staffs also..
abang razi, kak liza, abang selamat, pak cik bad, kak siti and i forgot also...
it was a very pleasant moment and we missed our school life..haha...
i hope that when all of us succeed in our lives, we can contribute back to our lovely school..
hope Allah will bless all of us....
and hope this friendship will last long..huhuhu....
jya na~~~
we met when we studied in sekolah dato' abdul razak, seremban..
4 of us...
dewa zal, super chan, dewi qari and me...
we were in the same class since from 1 till form 5...
we enjoyed our friendship by doing a lot of things...
sometimes, we missed up certain moments especially our life in sdar...
4 of us already graduated 2 years ago....
but.. we still keep in touch with each other...
sometimes, i feel that it is not complete if one of us can't attend our meeting or activity...
last wednesday...
dewa zal, super chan and me went to sdar to take our spm certificate...
we were happy..but not much as usual...
coz dewi qari was not there...
there, we met our beloved teachers,but not all of them were there coz some of them already went back home....we met...
mama zila, mariana sensei, mr sahak,madame famida, madame norahilah, n i forgot..
we met staffs also..
abang razi, kak liza, abang selamat, pak cik bad, kak siti and i forgot also...
it was a very pleasant moment and we missed our school life..haha...
i hope that when all of us succeed in our lives, we can contribute back to our lovely school..
hope Allah will bless all of us....
and hope this friendship will last long..huhuhu....
jya na~~~
Friday, May 15, 2009
see the sky in the middle of the night...
see the moon..the moon is smiling happily....
see the stars twinkling up there...
it makes me feel...
and blurr....
see the moon..the moon is smiling happily....
see the stars twinkling up there...
it makes me feel...
and blurr....
Sunday, May 10, 2009
aiya...what's the problem with this title???
yeah..sometimes we get sad....
and sad is it????
and it comes from many reasons that we can't expect...
expect the unexpected..... is because of jealousness...
feel like being betrayed by friend....
lose our precious thing in this life....
fail in exam....
break up with our partner and more..more and more....
but...from it also...
we can learn a lot..right??
it teaches us n how to be more...
and more ar....
only two consequences of being sad...
whether good for us or not...
u wanna straight being sad,full of sorrow, or being more positive of your life???
u choose...
yeah..sometimes we get sad....
and sad is it????
and it comes from many reasons that we can't expect...
expect the unexpected..... is because of jealousness...
feel like being betrayed by friend....
lose our precious thing in this life....
fail in exam....
break up with our partner and more..more and more....
but...from it also...
we can learn a lot..right??
it teaches us n how to be more...
and more ar....
only two consequences of being sad...
whether good for us or not...
u wanna straight being sad,full of sorrow, or being more positive of your life???
u choose...
wake up early in the morning..
actually it was quite late...8.30 a.m..
did some homeworks.....
then washed my brain up...
cheered up....
looked at the sky.....
'buzzed' my tomodachi....
at noon...12 o'clock....
started my engine...n....
went to casa subang.....
arrived there....
met with my old friend(my pktr groupmate)...she is athirah....
n she asked me to send her regards to meshi and eina(adlieyna)...
had a conversation for a while...
then suddenly.. saw this guy...mus...cet...
what the hell he's doing there????
oh....wanted to meet tomodachi aussi...
then...ah chan came out with qari2 and faizaru...
oh...ah chan with his new car...myvi if i was not mistaken..
a gift from her mom..what a luvly mother....
then..had our lunch at garden canyon i the summit subang...
talked and laughed to together.....
we went back...
i stayed for a while in faizaru's room....
relaxed...enjoyed the hot of the sun...
then went back to bandar utama....
it was a good day for me.....
relaxed and enjoyable....
actually it was quite late...8.30 a.m..
did some homeworks.....
then washed my brain up...
cheered up....
looked at the sky.....
'buzzed' my tomodachi....
at noon...12 o'clock....
started my engine...n....
went to casa subang.....
arrived there....
met with my old friend(my pktr groupmate)...she is athirah....
n she asked me to send her regards to meshi and eina(adlieyna)...
had a conversation for a while...
then suddenly.. saw this guy...mus...cet...
what the hell he's doing there????
oh....wanted to meet tomodachi aussi...
then...ah chan came out with qari2 and faizaru...
oh...ah chan with his new car...myvi if i was not mistaken..
a gift from her mom..what a luvly mother....
then..had our lunch at garden canyon i the summit subang...
talked and laughed to together.....
we went back...
i stayed for a while in faizaru's room....
relaxed...enjoyed the hot of the sun...
then went back to bandar utama....
it was a good day for me.....
relaxed and enjoyable....
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