pagi2 buta da bangun..
6.45 pagi iphone da bising..
agak awal bagi orang yang sedang bercuti..
tapi xpe, ku gagahkan diri ini..
terus masuk bilik air..mandi..
kepanasan air yang mengujakan..
ke dapur mengharapkan juadah yang enak di pagi hari..
namun apaken daya..
hanya sepeket maggi goreng dan air kopi..
peneman bicara
tatkala ini..
terpaksa penuhkan perut yang kosong ini..
kerna kerja dari awal pagi sampai ke petang..
xsempat nak makan ape..
dan xsempat nak bekalkan ape2..
7.25 pagi terus ambil sneakers..
converse warne hijau ngn hitam..
da nampak lapuk walaupun xsampai setahun lamenye..
ape tak nye da tu je yang ade..
menapak belakang rumah..
Victoria Market tempat bekerja...
fuhhh!!! 8 hari je lagi ni..
kalau pagi2 xnak kene bebel ngn boss, cepat2 carik kotak..
nak letak extras barang2..
siap2kan box metal yang serba berat bertan-tan tu..
nak tolak kemaen la payah..
boss sampai..
cepat2 set up stall..
paling koman pon kalo set up tu dekat 2 jam setengah..
tu la paling cepat aku boleh buat..
ingat senang ke hape..
seb baek da expert sket..
kot awal2 tu peh dekat 3 jam setengah..
kedai stokin je kot..
cakap pasal stokin..
semenjak keje ni..
baru la aku tau..punye la banyak jenis stokin dalam dunia ni..
ade sports, wool, fashion, untuk tido pon ade..
hadoii..pastu pecah2 lagi..
ade socks low cut, 3/4 cut, high cut, over the knee, knee hi..
work socks laen plak, yang merino wool ngn overlander pon laen..
kedai aku ni macam2 ade..legging pon ade..
spencers n laces (ni ntah betol ke x aku tulis ni), pon aku baru kenal n tahu..
sengal2..pastu ade footless tights lagi..
yang socks for baby n kids pon laen gak..hadoii..sumpah..banyak kene hafal..
da la kene hafal, pastu kene ingat price plak..
ade skali tu salah sebut price..
lawak giler..aku cakap A, boss cakap B..
customer nak yang A punye harge..sebab A lagi murah dari B..
last2..paham2 laaa..
customer oh customer..
macam2 orang aku jumpe mase keje ni..
ade yang jenis tengok je..usik2 socks plak tu..senang cter aku kene kemas balik la pastu..
ade yang tanye harge je, pastu blah sebab cakap mahal..maybe nak compare kot..
yang best tu best laa..bawak borak pon boleh..
ade yang anak tu beriya nak beli knee hi..parents die plak muncung ke depan..sadis2..
ade yang jenis xberkira..memang carik terus jumpe terus beli..xkesah cantik ke x..slalunye guys la..
ade jugak yang dtg time stall da tutup..da abes pack barang ni die serbu..
nak tak nak aku kene unpack balik..sengal2..
pagi tadi..nampak pak cik ni..macho habes..mati2 aku ingat die orang europe..
bini pon hot..
pastu borak2..die tanye..where are u come from??
aku jawab malaysia..die dengar new zealand..argh sengal..
pastu aku cakap kuat sket..
then his wife said,"oh from malaysia LAH.."
sengal2..they are malaysians actually..malay plak tu...
ade lagi ni...
mak cik tu ngn anak beranak die jalan depan stall aku..aku tau malaysians ni..
pastu struggle die speaking ngn aku..
"excuse me, where can I buy fruits here??"
aku pon reply laa, " oh, u just go straight here and u will find it overthere"..
after that, mak cik and the gang lalu depan kedai aku..
then aku tanye, "makcik, jumpe x kedai buah td?"
"opocot mak engkau, laaa..orang malaysia rupenye..ingatkan orang mauritius mane td"
haha..ade ke patot..tau la hensem..adoii..
ade tu..ingat aku ni orang cina..peh pakcik..tolong sket..
muke aku ni nampak cina sangat ke?? nak kate gaye cam apek..xjugakk..
sabau je la..
setakat ni diorang xde yang bajet aku msia..
yang paling dekat pon diorang ingat orang thai...
boss oh boss..
orang russian..female..
agak bebel la...lagi2 awal2 aku keje..
skang ni kurang sket..
awal2 tu bengkek gak..dalam hati nak cabut je xyah dtg lagi..
baru padan muke..
seb baek hati ni tahan je..
ye laa..keje kuli kot..
pikir balik..ramai da jadi kuli..ok je..
xkan aku xbleh...
kalo cter2 nak jadi boss besar..kene ar rase jadi kuli an..
ni mmg kuli abes laa..da la sume bende aku angkat..
cappucino with two sugars pon aku kene beli..and don't forget the stick..
kot blanje aku skali xpe ar an..
boss aku ni aku rase Jewish..
she seems ok with me even she knew that I'm muslim..
part paling berat die nak kasi bile aku na mintak solat jumaat..
nak xnak kene ar kasi..kang aku stop keje kang..
serabot carik pengganti..haha..
recently, she asked me about malaysia..especially bout the weather..
aku cakap la around 30 degrees celsius and humid too..
so she that's no good..
she asked me about women in malaysia sume pakai tudung ke..
aku cakap la almost all of 'em..
she said xpanas ke..aku cakap ok je kot..
how about male?? lol..gilo ko po..laki xpakai la datin oii..
then she said this is discrimination to womens.. ah pulak..die nak ceramah aku..
hmm..kot xpaham dari segi Islam malas la aku nak cter..die xtau plak ke yang pakai tudung ni nampak la sopan..
cantik pon cantik..even yang xcantik kat OZ ni pon kot pakai tudung aku cakap cantik tau..
kot freehair tu..alahai..bahaya beb..
bahaya..too sexy n too dangerous to me..dose2..
astaghfirullah al'adzim..
in a nutshell, I need to enjoy this job..
if u wanna do, just do it till the end..
coz u have to face it
experience it..
maybe now,
or later in your life..
jadi kuli laaa..
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
ayaq oh ayaq..
tadi tengah jalan2..
ntah camne aku leh bukak cter pasal minum air..
ni gara2 nampak lori springs water ar ni..
aku gelak ar..
ape punye lori ar..
sungguh2 nak deliver spring water ni..
da tu anta satu company satu due botol je..
sape je la yang dapat minum an..
ntah2 boss2 je yang dapat..
yang dok sapu sampah tu plak cmne??
air paip je eh??
pastu borak punye borak..
aku cakap lagi..
ni kalo balik kampung ni..
sah2 aku lupe yang air paip kat kampung tu kene masak..
banyak bakteria..nenek aku cakap kuman..
mesti aku straight amek cawan pastu minum terus
pastu nenek aku kompem bising..
gila ka pa minum air xmasak..
nak mati?? haha...
ye ar an..sini kat melben segala jenis air paip aku bedal je minum..
air kat mane2 toilet sume aku tibai..
harap2 kat msia nnt x macam ni laa..
ade yang masuk spital sebab keracunan air..
ayaq oh ayaq...
teringat mat lutfi kat perth sana..
hang dulu slalu dok study ngn lepak bilik aku mat..
hang ingat x??
pastu sebok dok bising2 ngn umar..
hang tempik...
umakkk!!! oh umakkk!!!
aku nak ayaq takk!!!
sumpah sengal...
sengal punye mat..
korang2 memang lawak laa...
ayaq tak@ air ntah mane punye loghat diorang pakai...
ntah camne aku leh bukak cter pasal minum air..
ni gara2 nampak lori springs water ar ni..
aku gelak ar..
ape punye lori ar..
sungguh2 nak deliver spring water ni..
da tu anta satu company satu due botol je..
sape je la yang dapat minum an..
ntah2 boss2 je yang dapat..
yang dok sapu sampah tu plak cmne??
air paip je eh??
pastu borak punye borak..
aku cakap lagi..
ni kalo balik kampung ni..
sah2 aku lupe yang air paip kat kampung tu kene masak..
banyak bakteria..nenek aku cakap kuman..
mesti aku straight amek cawan pastu minum terus
pastu nenek aku kompem bising..
gila ka pa minum air xmasak..
nak mati?? haha...
ye ar an..sini kat melben segala jenis air paip aku bedal je minum..
air kat mane2 toilet sume aku tibai..
harap2 kat msia nnt x macam ni laa..
ade yang masuk spital sebab keracunan air..
ayaq oh ayaq...
teringat mat lutfi kat perth sana..
hang dulu slalu dok study ngn lepak bilik aku mat..
hang ingat x??
pastu sebok dok bising2 ngn umar..
hang tempik...
umakkk!!! oh umakkk!!!
aku nak ayaq takk!!!
sumpah sengal...
sengal punye mat..
korang2 memang lawak laa...
ayaq tak@ air ntah mane punye loghat diorang pakai...
gimme a break...
it's supposed to be hot n sunny here
but until now on
summer is imperfect
not the same like what I thought before
raining all day
the atmosphere always cloudy
even the temperature drops till 13 degrees
it's supposed to be winter rite?
n my body shivers during the nite
need a really warm blanket
these days
am a little bit busy
have to work for 3 days only in a week
loading and unloading things
take care of the stoking stall
try to learn how to attract customers
give them a smile
sometimes it's kinda boring
n am counting down my days there
9 days to go!!! hohoho..
then I'll free
new prob
need a new accommodation
n like to find the low rent one
near to transport
n it should be okay if it's a little bit far away from the uni
hope to find it asap
coz it won't worry me that much
target to settle in before go back to Malaysia
n now it's already 29th November
my results came out today
I passed the first year hurdle
even not flying colour
it's still okay
coz I don't wanna regret my life in the future
we train everyday doesn't mean we are gonna be perfect
we just wanna improve ourselves and aim for the perfection
Thursday, November 18, 2010
natsu yasumi!! (part 2)
bile da cuti an..
tau2 la..mesti la boring..xtau nak buat ape..
mase tengah study, banyak assignment plak tu..
bising..bile laa nak cuti....
bile dapat cuti...nah ko..3 bulan straight..
xke bengong nak buat ape..
budak2 mechanical engin first year RMIT..
took one step ahead..
ingatkan mule2 gebang je...
iye ar..selame ni buat plan..tu laa..
at last..satu hapah pon xjadi..haha...
last week..
kitorang ade workshop buat hammer..
kot xde workshop ni kompem aku da balik msia...arghhhhh...
xpe2..mase lunch tu..
kitorang str8 buat plan..da..esok g beach..
sempoi je...
bahagi2 tugas..budak la trobe girls marinated ayam...
capel masak nasi trobe boy beli ape2 yang patot..
davies buat sandwiches..haha..
esok pkol 11 gerak..
xleh blah..plan camtu lagi bagus..sebab sume straight away buat..xdenye tangguh2..
setuju je straight jalan...
tempat yang nak ditujui...
ber'bbq' kat sane..
cuaca amat baek skali..xpanas sangat..xsejuk sangat..haha..
yang kompem..mmg sunburn..
air laut masinn!!!
tapi jernih giler!!!
sejuk giler!!!!
da mandi salut ngn pasir...
peh lagi best!!!!
pastu petang plak..tunggu sampai sunset...
aku amat menghargai pemandangan alam ni...

tau2 la..mesti la boring..xtau nak buat ape..
mase tengah study, banyak assignment plak tu..
bising..bile laa nak cuti....
bile dapat cuti...nah ko..3 bulan straight..
xke bengong nak buat ape..
budak2 mechanical engin first year RMIT..
took one step ahead..
ingatkan mule2 gebang je...
iye ar..selame ni buat plan..tu laa..
at last..satu hapah pon xjadi..haha...
last week..
kitorang ade workshop buat hammer..
kot xde workshop ni kompem aku da balik msia...arghhhhh...
xpe2..mase lunch tu..
kitorang str8 buat plan..da..esok g beach..
sempoi je...
bahagi2 tugas..budak la trobe girls marinated ayam...
capel masak nasi trobe boy beli ape2 yang patot..
davies buat sandwiches..haha..
esok pkol 11 gerak..
xleh blah..plan camtu lagi bagus..sebab sume straight away buat..xdenye tangguh2..
setuju je straight jalan...
tempat yang nak ditujui...
ber'bbq' kat sane..
cuaca amat baek skali..xpanas sangat..xsejuk sangat..haha..
yang kompem..mmg sunburn..
air laut masinn!!!
tapi jernih giler!!!
sejuk giler!!!!
da mandi salut ngn pasir...
peh lagi best!!!!
pastu petang plak..tunggu sampai sunset...
aku amat menghargai pemandangan alam ni...
Monday, November 15, 2010
eidul adha...
di kesempatan ini...
diri di perantauan ini ingin mengucapkan selamat hari raya aidiladha pada famili,
sahabat handai, rakan taulan, sesiapa yang mengenali dan seluruh umat Islam di seluruh dunia..
di melbourne, malam ni da start takbir...
insyaAllah esok raya...
namun tidak dapat kusambut sekali kerana esok terpaksa bekerja..
sampai ke petang...
persiapan raya untuk kali ni pon nak kata sederhana pon xjugak...
xsiap langsung la..
haha... mungkin banyak perkara yang sedang berputar putar dalam kepala ini kot...
ape2 pon berayalah dengan kesyukuran...
makan sup tulang lagi2 yang gear box tu...ingat2la orang kat sini yerk..haha..
di kesempatan ini...
diri di perantauan ini ingin mengucapkan selamat hari raya aidiladha pada famili,
sahabat handai, rakan taulan, sesiapa yang mengenali dan seluruh umat Islam di seluruh dunia..
di melbourne, malam ni da start takbir...
insyaAllah esok raya...
namun tidak dapat kusambut sekali kerana esok terpaksa bekerja..
sampai ke petang...
persiapan raya untuk kali ni pon nak kata sederhana pon xjugak...
xsiap langsung la..
haha... mungkin banyak perkara yang sedang berputar putar dalam kepala ini kot...
ape2 pon berayalah dengan kesyukuran...
makan sup tulang lagi2 yang gear box tu...ingat2la orang kat sini yerk..haha..
Sunday, November 14, 2010
natsu yasumi!! (part 1)
salam...ohishashiburi..natsu yasumi ga kaishi sa remashita!!
dousyiokanaaaaaa.... final exam is already finished 2 or 3 weeks ago..
overall, it was quite so laaa...couldn't say whether it was easy or too difficult..
I did my best...yokattaaaa!!!
now, it is summer here...yeay!!!
melbourne is becoming hotter and hotter..
but am I that hot?? (what type of question is this??)
job?? job?? job??
yeah..I've planned to stay here until january..
need to save some money...
so I need to find job...
coz I would like to travel somewhere...
most probably japan and USA..hehe...
it is quite lucky coz one of my friends offer my to replace him working at Queen Victoria market..
I thought the job is quite easy...
just loading and unloading the things and take care of the stall..
after 2 days of working there, I know that it is not easy like we see and think..
actually, it is quite rough and mentally hard... must follow all the orders given by your employer... a day, I think my boss will complaint at least 100 times..
arghhhh!!!! down2...can't do this, can't do that..she will always say no no no...
but when I do nothing, she will say..what are you waiting for?? move faster...
huh??? blank2..blur2...arghhh!!! mental breakdown...
no no no...
hohoho..hope I can survive...yosh!!!!
jya ne!
dousyiokanaaaaaa.... final exam is already finished 2 or 3 weeks ago..
overall, it was quite so laaa...couldn't say whether it was easy or too difficult..
I did my best...yokattaaaa!!!
now, it is summer here...yeay!!!
melbourne is becoming hotter and hotter..
but am I that hot?? (what type of question is this??)
job?? job?? job??
yeah..I've planned to stay here until january..
need to save some money...
so I need to find job...
coz I would like to travel somewhere...
most probably japan and USA..hehe...
it is quite lucky coz one of my friends offer my to replace him working at Queen Victoria market..
I thought the job is quite easy...
just loading and unloading the things and take care of the stall..
after 2 days of working there, I know that it is not easy like we see and think..
actually, it is quite rough and mentally hard... must follow all the orders given by your employer... a day, I think my boss will complaint at least 100 times..
arghhhh!!!! down2...can't do this, can't do that..she will always say no no no...
but when I do nothing, she will say..what are you waiting for?? move faster...
huh??? blank2..blur2...arghhh!!! mental breakdown...
no no no...
hohoho..hope I can survive...yosh!!!!
jya ne!
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