kalau dahulu...orang cakap bola itu bulat....
tapi kali ni...saya cakap bola itu cat...
adakah anda semua paham???
ok...kite maen teka2...pilih la mane yang anda rase sesuai...
A. bola itu kite cat ngn kaler2...
B. cat itu memang bola...apekebendenye ni??
C. bola bercat..adakah same dengan jawapan A??? pikir2kan la...
D. satu permainan...
haha...dan semestinye jawapan saya yang paling tepat lagi xsalah...
jawapannye...bola itu cat adalah paintball...
dalam bahase Inggeris nye...
ade sape2 nak argue??
berani ar ko..ni post aku...suke hati ar aku nak tulis pe...
haha..gurau je...
actually nak cter ni...
today was awesome...
my housemates and I went to dandenong just to play Paintball with our friends
from Calyton...
the place was quite far from our house...
it was about 4okm and 45 minutes journey by car..
so, my friend Farid mananged to borrow car from our senior...
abang Lan..thnx a lot..
so who's the driver???
it was me...arghh!!!! it was hard to believe!!!!
yosh!!! finally I got chance to drive a car here..
what the FISH!!!!...haha...that's awesome man...
hampir 5 bulan wa xpegang stereng maaa...
at first, I was trembling...later..once the car moved, that's pretty easy...
haha...can't drive more than 70 km per hour...
if not police will summone me...haha..so..I played safe..
ok...now we change our topic...Paintball...
it's not pinball or whatever ball...
this paintball game is quite popular these days..
so..once I get the chance...without any doubt...straight away agreed to join to play...
AUD 80 was cheap and berbaloi maaa...
we got satu senapang..500 bullets..(the paintball) ,uniform and mask..
then we were told about the rules and regulations...
coz all of us are new...still a beginner...
xsabar..macam maen cs plak rasenye..haha...
then we played...
I was in green team with syahir ,farid,arip and the other 3 guys which I didn't even ask their name..haha...
meng and umar were in the red team..
so hajimemashite!!!!
there were 3 stages...
the first stage...
there's a ball in the middle of the battle field..
what we need to do is take the ball to the opposition site..
who do that, u win...
so for the first round...
with a good tactic...my team won...
and I was the person who brought the ball to the opposition site...
I ran like the way I played rugby before...
and no one from the red team noticed me...hoho...
the referee praised me...
"good job mate!!! that was awesome man!! I never ever saw someone run like playing rugby"
hoho...maka...bangge la aku..kih3..
then second round of the battles...
agak lame...mmg lame pon...
and seri...we draw...
after that..we took a little break...
agak pancit...xtau nape..sume orang breathing lari..haha..gemuruh and sejuk kot...
yang aku tau...bile game stop, tangan stok beku...sebab xpakai glove..
bile game on...tu sume xrase...yang tau bile da kene tembak baru rase saket..haha...
ok...second stage...
team mane yang bertahan paling lame and ramai kat field...diorang akan di'announce' menang..
sape mati dok luar diam2...
first round...
xsempat nak usyar and tembak orang..aku da mati..kecewa...haha...
red team menang!!! ciss...
second round..
with a good strategy...green team won!!!
yeahh!!! best men tembak2 ngn bro ihsan..die kuar kepale,aku tembak..tak kasi can langsung..hehe...
third stage...
either defense or attack...
my team was asked to be the defender first...
so the red team will attack us...
we need to make a strategy to defense ourself...
to those budak2 yang kene defense...
once u get shot , u straight go out...senang cter..u die...
to the attacking team..who get shot..will get another life once u touch the box at the back...
so..game ni nak tengok bape cepat attacking team menang...
for this stage...
our green team won!!!
xsilap aku la...red team punye time 3 minit sumting...
and kitorang nye team 2 minit 5o saat gitu2 laaa..
anyway...paintball best!!!!!
here are some pics!!!