Monday, November 16, 2009


setiap permulaan pastinya ada pengakhiran...
setiap yang dicipta pasti akan sampai tempohnya untuk dimusnahkan...
setiap yang muda pastinya akan perlahan-lahan menjadi tua...
setiap yang kuat pastinya akan hilang kekuatannya..
setiap yang angkuh dan sombong pastinya akan jatuh terduduk pada tiba waktunya...
Ya Allah....
sungguh hebat ciptaan-Mu...
kauberikan segalanya pada umat manusia...
tatkala ku lapar, kau berikanku makanan yang enak2...
tatkala ku haus, kau berikanku minuman...
tatakala ku ngantuk, kau tidurkan ku untuk sebentar...
dengan setiap hadiahmu padaku...ku hidup lagi di dunia ini...
dengan setiap oksigen yang bersih, dapat kuhirupkenikmatannya untuk meneruskan hidup..
dengan setiap zat-Mu..ya Allah....
ku gembira...alhamdulillah...
tak dapat kubayangkan bagaimana umat manusia ini jika kau tarik nikmat bernafas itu dalam masa 2 minit..
xdapat kubayangkan jika segala rezeki yang kau berikan ,kau tarik balik...
xdapat kubayangkan jika kau gelapkan bumi ini tanpa sinar mentari...
sesungguhnya aku bersyukur akan segala nikmat-Mu...

bila senang, kita lupa...
bila susah baru kita memohon segalanya pada Allah yang Maha Esa...
mengapa begini??

hatiku menjadi sebak sedih dengan apa yang kian terjadi pada dini hari...
hari2 ku, akan kupenuhi dengan membaca surat khabar yang penuh dengan penceritaan tentang manusia..
kezaliman, kerakusan, sikap tamak haloba, tipu menipu, gejala merompak, anak luar nikah, nafsu serakah dan segalanya...
apa yang sudah terjadi? tidakkah mereka takut akan hari pembalasan-Mu?
tidakkah mereka sedar bahawa bila2 masa sahaja kau boleh menarik roh dari jasad?
siapalah diri ini untuk mempersoalkan hal itu dan ini...
namun, jauh di sudut hati, aku berharap segalanya dapat berubah...

mungkin post ini akan menjadi post ku yang terakhir sebelum daku pergi bercuti untuk beberapa bulan..
dan mungkin benar2 post terakhir daripada diri ini...
sesungguhnya salah dan silap itu xdapat lari...
daku ingin memohon maaf sepuluh jari jika ada menyakitkan hati
atau terkasar bahasa kepada pihak2 tertentu...
blog ini hanyalah kupasan dari pandangan ku sendiri..
dan untuk tatapan sekalian...
kebanyakan cerita adalah benar belaka...
dan kebanyakan puisi xpon pantun xpon sastera yang mengarut2 tu adalah ciptaan ku sendiri...
semogo ultroman dapat berdamai dengan raksasa..barulah dunia ni aman...
diharap kita dapat berjumpa lagi...

Saturday, November 7, 2009

...face up...

when i was child...i had no self confident at all... late father and mother always taught me to be more positive thinking and brave...
they sent me to join scout camp when i was 5 at melaka...
my father brought me together with him when he went into jungle at night...
my mother always brought me to go to her school and join learning together with her students...
i had a lot of fun with them...
n i learnt a lot from them...
when they passed away...
my life started to go up and down...i couldn't focus at all in my studies at that time..
but..i was so grandma took a very good care of me...
she gave me a lot of advices just to face this world...
since then...
i started to develop my own self confident...
i had my own strength....i had a very great determination...
i wanna be somebody one day....

but...not every single plan that we made will follow the order...
it's all depend on him..Allah SWT... we as human, just can try our best to plan and try...
he is the one who can give us our rezeki...
where are we heading to...
and what will happen to us next...

and when this unwanted thing happen to us...we start to lose our self confident...
self more motivation...we just think that we better get off or die...
this is very hard to us to face...
because....we are human....we always want the best from him...
but sometime because of our "bad" behaviour or attitude...he may not give rezeki to us...
we should be grateful as long as Allah give us opportunity to breathe and alive...
if we are weak...
all that we can do is just cry...cry...cry and cry...
we will be very sad...upset...n face down...

and i believe that all of us also have our own problem...
problem that really make us feel very sad...
may be because of him...or her...
or studies..exam....our boss...or...laptop....
i also have my own....i really wanted to cry...but i can't...n i really feel sad..but i don't want to show...better i just keep it inside..coz i am this type of person....
even it bits me slowly....

i have answered 4 out of five my TEE final exam paper...
and i can't give any comment personally..coz there are still 4000 students answer the same questions...i just hope the best from my self...
but in the end..i think...still not best enough...

when i was in rugby coach, cikgu chot always gave me support...
n there was a moment when my rugby team was almost defeated...
at that emergency moment...what he said was...
"c'mon lions!!! we can win this game.believe in yourself..all of us can do it..find your SECOND WIND!!!!.. don't lose..we still have time...what do we want??? we always want to win right, lions?
so...blow your SECOND WIN!!! don't ever ever ever give up until the end..go guys...let's teach them!!"
it was very motivated..we played hard..we blow our SECOND WIND....our spirit....
and we managed to win and be the champion of the state...
i really want to go back to that moment...i missed it...

i also have a lot of friends...most of my friends really care about me...
n i was so grateful to be myself...they can spend their time n knowledge to help me out..
to give motivation when i was in trouble...they are amazing....
i got fareez, rifqi, chan, acap, fatihah, fatin adilah, faseeha, huda, iman, ah chong, 'aisyah, kinok, maro, iqbal, and more...i love all of them....
they make me feel happy...and make me smile...always...

my teacher and lecturers also always support me from behind...
they are kinda good people...

hope ALLAH will bless all of u guys...

life....hmmm....hard to say...
there are some of my friends feel very sad about their studies rite now...
n i try to help them by giving a good word to some story...
because i don't want to be sad too...
coz i know all of us here really want to aussie...
don't want to make our parent ashame...
we want to prove to them..but sometimes we also put pressure on our selves..
i always keep telling to my friends that....
we just try our best yeah..coz we don't know the future..just pray to Allah..
he's the only one who can help us...don't sad my friends..if today we don't catch any fish...
may be tomorrow we will get the big one...who knows?
so..just try will come...insyaAllah...we try yeah...

hope all can get the result we want...huhu...
guys...face up yeah!!!...
face up!!!!

Monday, November 2, 2009

...break my legs...

hmm...aku masih lagi ingat zaman form 1 ku di sdar...
ex headboy 2002 dtg bagi ceramah...
namanya anwar abit...sume orangg cakap die legend...memang legend pon...
sempat la die kasi tips kejayaan...
"kite kene jaga 5 hubungan ni,insyaAllah berjaya..
pertama..hubungan kite dengan Allah...
kedua...hubungan kite dengan ibu bapa...
ketiga..hubungan kite dengan guru2...
keempat...hubungan kite dengan kawan2..xkesah la yang penting kawan...
dan yang terakhir..hubungan kite dengan diri sendiri"

aku juga sering mendengar kate2 ustad kat sdar dulu...
"janganlah mase nak exam je kite buat baek..buat solat hajat, puasa sunat...
tapi lepas exam..tarak..sume bende habis...kene jage sume bende tu"

cikgu norzila,mariana sensei pon ade kasi semangat..
"nak exam ke fikri?? ala..boleh tu..insyaAllah..buat je yang terbaek...awak mesti boleh!!!"

hari2 yang menggembirakan aku....

nenek,maklang, paklong, mama,paksu and acik pon slalu pesan...
"blaja rajen2 ngah...selalu doa untuk angah...selalu ingat kat Allah..insyaAllah die tolong...amin"

terharu sungguh aku..syg sgt kat famili ku....

to arwah abah, mak, and anja....doakan lah kejayaan angah dari sane...angah akan buat yang terbaek...syg abah...syg mak...rindu anja...

hmm..exam ku esok..xsbr nak exam..xsbr nak balik kampong...
n xsbr nak ilang beban study ni....
tapi stil cuak gak..hoho..manusia..xcuak x best ar kan..haha...

yosh...pen?? hmm..da beli da semalam...g-soft sebagaimana yang disyorkan oleh cik 'aisyah tika aritu..mekaseh!!!...
pemadam?? hmmm "beli satu sudah!! ko nak beli banyak2 buat ape?nak makan ke??" kate zaz..haha..
pembaris panjang??? da ade da kat umah...
liquid paper?? "weh zaz, ko pakai liquid x mase exam??" "pakai gak ar sikit2"...cis..beli gak ar walaupun harge liquid cinoit tu same macam beli minyak rambut...
protector??? perluke??? xtau!!!
dictionary??? argh!!! terpakse gak kuar duet beli satu..gare2 disebabkan thesaurus xleh bawak masuk....

laen2?? tarak!!!! cukup la tu...

k la..kawan2..doakan lah diri ini untuk mudah menjawab exam esok...
ampun maaf dipinta kalau cebisan2 kate dalam blog ni ade membuatkan anda semua terase...
gud luck to all samers and ausmaters!!!!
slm perantauan..hohoho....
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